Here's To Dear Old Dad

Since this weekend is Father's Day, I thought I'd offer a tribute to the fathers of the world by pointing out how my own dear Dad unwittingly got me into this hobby oh so many years ago.

It was my twelfth birthday. As I opened the box, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Inside was a little, gray, plastic, Sony cassette tape recorder. At first I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. But, as time went by and I acquired my own little collection of tapes, I grew to love that little machine. And the hours of pleasure listening to music gave me. Of course, over the years my systems grew in price and complexity, but that's another story...

Does anyone else have any similar stories they'd like to share?
My dad bought me stereo at an auction when I was eight. It had a radio and a turntable integrated in a free standing complete unit. I used to listen to my parents' old records on this system. They didn't have too much I was interested in but i sure did enjoy the Elvis records. I guess this was my first system.
Sadly he died young (48) when I was eighteen. I am grateful for everything he did for me and the values and lessons I learned from him as I grew up. I lost a father and a friend. To those of you who still have you father, hoist a glass to dear old dad on Sunday. I'll be thinking about mine.
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My story has a reverse twist about my Dad and music. I bought a HiFi Stereo in separate wood cabinets from a Furniture Store, after many, many lay-away payments, in the mid 50's (only place that sold them in those days). The only "Stereo HiFi" LP's available in those days were the heavy carbon Columbia House LP's, mostly of Big Band sounds, Nat King Cole and Sinatra, etc.

Once setup and playing, over and over, the only Stereo HiFi platter that I had...and enthralled with the soundstage this primitive Stereo system produced, in walked my Dad. He sat down and listened to the whole LP. My Dad was a tough man and old school for sure, but this day, he praised me for such good music with such separation. Always one who seeked my Dad's approval, this praise was a tremendous boost. He bought other Stereo LP's for me and even asked me to audition my system to family and friends when they visited...he beamed when their mouths dropped open at the soundstage. I beamed when his chest swelled from showing off his son's music system.

I was hooked by Audio from that pleasant experience with my Dad. He is gone now, but I still vividly remember his interest and praise for something so simple as sharing music together. I love and miss him and just maybe with all of the Audio gear I've owned over the years, I'm still trying to send him the best music he ever heard.