Help with pricing?


I'm about to put a bunch of stuff on Agon, and I just want to make sure that my prices aren't out of line (this is not an attempt to do an end-run around listing on Agon, all sales will be done through Agon).

Also, now that Vgon is gone, I can't find any pricing guidelines at all on the projector & screen. Opinions?

The equipment is as follows:

1. Pair of Martin Logan Odyssey speakers - $1,800
2. Krell KAV 400xi Amp - $1,500
3. Pair of Monitor Audio Studio 50 speakers - $2,700

4. Complete Luxman component system:

T-373 tuner - $170
C-383 preamplifier - $300
D-373 CD player - $200
M-383 power amplifier - $500

TOTAL - $1,170

5. Monitor Audio FB-212 subwoofer - $1,000
6. Velodyne ULD 12 subwoofer - $400
7. Sim 2 HT300 Link DLP projector - ?
8. Stewart Firehawk 100� fixed screen - ?

Thanks for your help!
I did subscribe to the Agon BB and also did searches on eBay. Nothing anywhere on the projector & screen, and very limited info on the other stuff.
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Thank you Viridian. In your opinion, what should the Studio 50's go for? The price seemed high to me, too. I was also thinking of $3,500 for the projector and $1,300 for the screen. Fair?
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