HELP Stylus Cantilever slightly bent to the left

I have a almost new (20 hours) Clearaudio Virtuoso cartridge mounted on a Satisfy Tonearm. When you look at the cartridge head-on the stylus cantilever seems to be very slightly leaning towards the left (towards the center of the record).
My vinyl sounds great and it doesn't appear to be affecting performance, but I don't know if it will get worse over time and cause long term issues.
Has anyone seen this before? Is it common? Can it be fixed by adjusting the anti-skate or something else?

Please help, any advice is welcome.
Is it that way only when a record is being played, or is it still that way even when the tonearm is in its rest position?

If the former, it means that your anti-skating needs to be adjusted. If the latter, it means that the cartridge was manufactured that way, but I don't know whether that represents a manufacturing defect, or is characteristic of that particular model.

-- Al
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It has been rumored that now and then the cartridge manufacturers will send out a cartridge like yours in hopes that it will find a truly neurotic audiophile like most of us and that it will drive them totally crazy......Enjoy your music that apparently is being reproduced wonderfully......If it suddenly stops sounding so good...then you should get the cartridge fixed. Whatever you NOT worry about it getting worse over time because I am sure no one has that answer.
Funny, I guessed this was a Clearaudio Virtuoso by the subject line. The cantilever on this cartridge seem inevitably prone to damage.