Help on some under $2500 speakers

Thanks for your help recommendations. I am looking for a pair of speakers for a 10x10 room to work with an entry level Naim amplifier. I am looking for a pair of "clean" sounding speakers that has good attention to detail, that actually is capable of focusing on bass.

My constraints are that (1) I am filling a small room, so I would prefer to stay away from something with a large footprint, (2) a good portion of my listening will be done at lower volume levels, and (3) given the limited power running through the amp, I'll need reasonably efficient speakers. I own a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES speakers, now and my system needs more power to drive them properly.
Why do you want to change speakers? The Harbeths are suppose to be some of the best under $2500 monitors available.

You probably need to state what you are looking to improve or what you don't like about the Harbeths. Perty much anything in the under $2500 price range is going to be more of a lateral move or different flavor then a actual upgrade.

BW MaxxC
Just out of curiosity- and really for my own information, do you mind stating what cables and source you are using? Have you always had the Naim amp with the Harbeths or did you have another amp before?

The original reason why I purchased the Harbeths was that they "were supposed to be some of the best under $2500 monitors available."

The Harbeths are great speakers, truly. While the bass is accurate, I would like a speaker with fuller bass. Also, much of my listening is done at low volume levels. The Harbeths need a bit of volume behind them to optimize their true capabilities.

This is almost a straight end to end system - Naim CD, Naim / Chord cables, Dragon tape deck, and Naim speaker wire.

The Naim amp has always powered the Harbeth speakers.
Damn! Everything you have seems Excellent! I would hate to have this problem!