help need in choosing a $800 to $1500 cd player

hi all,

Help needed in picking a CD player in the 800 to 1550 dollar price range. On my short list are

A Quad 99CD-P/2, Jolida JD-100A, Rega Apollo, Music hall CD25.2 L-1 with Undewood mods, Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler and a used Sony SCD-777Es sacd/cd.


I second the Meridian 508.24, that has been my main cdp for almost nine years now and I wouldn't trade it for any other player.
hi folks,

I got the Apollo yesterday and have listened to it a bit today. First impressions .... it sounds like a good analog table. Lush, musical, articulate and very captivating. As I listened I delayed analizing it and just listend to the great music coming from it. I'll post a followup.

Keep us posted on what you're hearing as you break it in. I think there was some talk about the software glitches / read problems but maybe I'm confusing this with the Quad 99 CDP.