Help me please!!!

I´m about to pull the trigger on one of these amps, but not fully decided yet, please help me!!!

1) Dartzeel NHB-108 (I think is the more secure bet, but my installation was designed thinking in mono amps, so I´ll need to invest in cables)
2) Kronzilla DXL

My speakers: Evolution Acoustics MM3
My Preamp: Audio Research Ref. 10
My current amps: Rogue Apollos

Thank you all for your help.
Evolution Acoustics MM3

To accurately recommend an amp for these beasts.
It would be nice if there was an impedance vs -phase angle graph done on these, but there's none yet.

Cheers George 
If I were in that position and cost was not a major concern, I'd just get a pair of Pass Labs XA200.8 and be done. Just make sure you have good air conditioning in the listening room.
Hi leog,
I am considering same to options as you, darTZeel and KR DXL for driving my Sonus Faber Guernieri Evolution.
Also same as you, i live in South America, in a country where none of both amplifiers are available for listening.
Could you comment your final decision and the process involved ?
Thanks, R.
Hi R,

After so much research, I finally opted for the Kronzillas.
Still on there way to my home. I hope they will be here in a month or so. 
The Dartzeel is one great option, but I have my installation “monoblocks ready”, so the easier option was to stay with MB.
I have big expectations about the new amps, and hope they will be a big improvement over the Rogue Apollos.



BTW: where are you from?
Hi Leo,
Sorry for my late reply.
I´m from Uruguay, where i live.
I´m not in a hurry for making my decision.
Both amps have good reviews but the opinion of an audiophile fellow has other meaning to me, hope you can post your thoughts afer some listening.
Kind regards, Robert.