HELP: I need a solid state amp with a tube sound

I am very much into tube amplifiers, but it seems that they need alot more maintenance than SS amps do. Is there an amp out there that will get a good tube sound, but with low maintenance of an SS amp? I am working on my budget and I will probably spend about 2500 for it. I already have a tube pre-amp that I like, a Zen ZTPRE, and does a good job for my needs.
The Pass Aleph 30 that Brunhilde speaks of was the replacement for the much revered Aleph 3 which was touted to have a tube like presentation. Both these amps can be found used in the $900-1300 range.
HI for the money the Aoia pst 13.01 will have you listening to music all night.If you listen to female vocals you will look no further..Full body dimensionality.I have wrapped my arms around Patricia Barber.
I have a Conrad Johnson Premier 11a tube amp and find it to be trouble free and low maintenance. However, from what I gather, CJ Solid state amps are somewhat tubey sounding. should you need the higher wattage and want to go the SS route, they can be found for $900-1300 on Audiogon.
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but no ss amp sounds like tubes. If you want the best that tubes have to offer, then get a great tube amp. There are some very good ss amps, but they don't sound like tubes. The best ss has to offer tends to be at prices that equal or far exceed the price of great tube gear. Stne418 is absolutely correct. I've had far more problems with ss amps over the years than tube amps. Besides, "tube rolling" can allow you to easily mix and match to better accommodate other new additions to your system. Any ss amps out there that can offer the same flexibility? Great tubes and great ss can provide years of enjoyment, but don't kid yourself. They do sound different.
You should check out a Blue Circle BC24 - brand new for $2245 on the 'gon. It is a hybrid design; tube input stage (two 6922 tubes total) and SS output. You get warmth and whump. Hard to beat for the money. Happy hunting.