help guy backs out of a sale after m.o. is iss

been corresponding with a fellow goner about buying and amp.
agreed on a price ,sent m.o. and guy backs out, claiming after he posted it pending sale, a guy locally offered more money cash, claims he will send my m.o. back .
what is my recourse,
thank you in advance.
an honest newbie.
Not to quibble with any of the above posts, but from my experience with several diff. banks, a Money Order CAN be stopped, while a Cashier's Check CANNOT be stopped unless it is stolen. (This is why, when buying a house, sellers & or escrow firms require a Cashier's Check ; also a lot of auto dealers).

So, Alexone, just pay the $7 or whatever to stop payment on the M.O! There's no downside to that.
Good luck!
thanks everyone, it does feel nice to hear from so many honorable people.
i stopped the m.o. it can be done after signing and notarizing an affidavit , just had to claim it was lost , since i hope it was still in transit. fyi, there is a 12 dollar fee. so ,i think all of us should be concerned that a m.o. is not cash and that in can work for or against us.
i will leave negative feedback and hope to still get the m.o.
thanks again.
thanks everyone, it does feel nice to hear from so many honorable people.
i stopped the m.o. it can be done after signing and notarizing an affidavit , just had to claim it was lost , since i hope it was still in transit. fyi, there is a 12 dollar fee. so ,i think all of us should be concerned that a m.o. is not cash and that it can work for or against us.
i will leave negative feedback and hope to still get the m.o.
thanks again.
Wait until you get the check back, and then leave your negative feedback when all of the facts are assembled in front of you. If you get the check back, then it's just a matter of communicating in 80 charactes or less that he backed out of the deal at a point too late in the process and by doing so made you awfully nervous.

At a minimum, you should ask for a refund of your $12. Certainly, he owes you that much, and his reaction to this request should be considered in your feedback. To my way of thinking, it remains appropriate to insist he returns the money order. Although you are now protected by the stop order, remember that stop orders are not always followed by banks to which a stopped check is initially presented - and even a bank that issues a stop order (your bank) may honor the check by mistake. Do you want to go through a hassle with your bank if they were to make such a mistake?

Finally, if you don't get your check back, feel free to let loose with some choice explitives in your feeback!
Me again. I'm glad that you've agreed to leave negative feedback. I think this is a must. Other A'goners should be put on notice in these types of circumstances since it goes to the very heart of our expectations of one another. If he were to have other positive feedback and could point me to his Ebay history, etc., I'd consider doing business with him if he had a good explanation. Perhaps this is a one-off situation and nothing more than an exercise of poor judgment. Without knowing the dollar differential between your deal and what he got from the local buyer, it's hard to put myself in his shoes, but it's definitely something I'd want to know before deciding whether to deal with him.

Abraham Lincoln once said:

"Reputation is more easily kept than recovered."

He may well find that there is a greater price yet to be paid.