Help contacting BEL re: 1001


Does anyone have contact with Richard Brown of BEL or know if anything has happened to the company recently?

I posted the output boards for my 1001 MkIII to him 12 months ago now for a repair estimate, and haven't heard from him for 11 months now, despite repeated emails and attempted phone calls.

I would really like to get the boards back, even if they haven't been repaired.

I received a response from my mutual friend who knows Dick quite well. He indicates that others have complained about a lack of communication. He went on to say that his production of amplifiers has been reduced to a trickle and his desire to do repairs is probably non-existent. His email address,, is still active. I forwarded this thread on to him suggesting he might want to contact you. I'm sorry I could not be of more help.



Many thanks for your help.

Richard Brown,

If you read this, please send my amplifier boards back (I sent you all three PCB's), regardless of what state they are in. If the outputs boards are still broken I will fix myself.

David Frow
Hi, is there any more news on the state of BEL? I am still calling and emailing but get not replies.

Thanks, David
Richard Brown should be ashamed of himself for abandoning you in this way. However, we all need to be aware that we are putting ourselves in the hands of one person when we buy products from a company like BEL. A plane crash, a heart attack or a loss of interest is all it takes to undermine your investment.

Why don't you try to track down Tom Miiller the reviewer who championed BEL through the Absolute Sound. Maybe he is still in touch with Richard Brown and maybe he would be inclined to intercede on your behalf. It's worth a try.