Help choosing tube monobloc's

At present I am running a Sunfire Tube Preamp and Sunfire Signature power amp.
I would like to introduce monobloc tube amps into the system.
The speakers are Kef Model Four~Two so they like to have power (I was thinking 150 wpc min.).
I have been thinking about a used set of Sonic Frontier power three's.
My budget is in the $5000.00 to $7500.00 range.
I mostly listen to classic rock, with a minor amount of easy listening, folk and classical through a Sonic Frontier Phono 1 tube amp (can there be too many tubes in the signal path) and Oracle table
I would appreciate anyones advise on tube monobloc selections.
Sonic Frontiers is, as I am sure you know, no longer in business, but I understand that service can be obtained through a sister company, Anthem.

A close hi-fi friend of mine had the Power 3's for over four years. They were incredibly reliable (they never even went out of bias) and sounded great for the money. These days, they can be had for +/-$3,500.

Good luck.
I have a pair of VTL MB250s (same as MB450 but wired for triode only and 25w more) driving Aerial 10Ts, speakers that need quite a bit of power to shine. I too like to listen to classic rock and full orchestra classical music. This combo rocks! Tube amps rule I think in recreating the sound of an electric guitar. I've had a number of SS amps and although the VTLs are not nearly as fast & quick, less impact, in the lower octaves, I think they are more natural and like the real thing. Midrange on up I've not owned a SS amp that can beat the VTLs.
i have the chime in for VTL as well. I have MB185's and the triod/tetrode switching is a feature that once lived with can't be lived without though there are days i toy with the idea of going with the all triod MB250. I like the tonality of the VTL better in the mids and highs compared to an ARC, which would be my second choice. The VTL is more open sounding and just a tad warmer in the mids. CJ stuff sounded a bit bloated. Haven't heard the Rogues For your budget MB450s should be an easy find used (new even at $7500?).