Heard the Audio Physic Padua?

Wondering if anyone has heard the Audio Physic Padua? Looking for some comments.

If I am looking for a warm, melodious sounding speaker without losing the Audio Physic imaging and detail, are there others in this price range ($5K)that I should audition?

Thanks for your help.
I've heard them. Nice speaker. Smaller sounding than the Virgo which can be found used for 50% of the retail cost of
the Padua. That would be the way to go. Good luck.

Thanks for your response! I heard that Padua has the same tweeter as the Yara which is supposed to sound a little more airy and warmer than the other Audio Physic speakers. Did you notice a difference in the tweeter sound between the Padua and Virgo? or do they sound pretty much the same..with the Virgo possessing a bigger sound?

Appreciate your response.
The Yara and Padua are very good speakers. The Virgo is a great speaker. The other two are simply not in the same class. The only better Audio Physic, in my opinion, is the Avanti III which replaced my Virgos. I can't respond to your tweeter question.