Head Hunters?

My musical tastes are constantly evolving. But, this album by Herbie Hancock reminds me of why I have invested the time and money into this hobby every time I listen to it.

Does anyone else have any "old school" funky-jazz recommendations. This is the one part of my collection that I really want to invest some time and money in.
Great responses, but I just have to recommend Chick Corea's "Romantic Warrior". Did I ever wear out the LP in my college days! If you like "Head Hunters" you should like "Romantic Warrior".

I actually prefer the follw-up to Headhunters titled Thrust. Superb drumming on both.
Well, Hancock has certainly had some real hit or miss albums (how about Bang Da Drum!), but I agree that Headhunters rates among the best fusion.
I too wore out my Head Hunters album in college! Stanley Clarke's School Days is a great recommendation as is Chick Corea's Romantic Warrior. I also recommend Stanley Clarke's self-titled album and Journey to Love. A few more suggestions come to mind...Billy Cobham's Smoking and A Funky Thide of Things, Lenny White's Venusian Summer and Big City.
Marsh, you might like Crossings by Hancock, Realization by Eddie Henderson, Dark Of Light by Norman Connors and even Invitation To Openness by Less McCann. You might try Magical Shepherd by Miroslav Vitous as well.

Have Fun, Lee
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