HDCD 'best one box player' recommendations?

Seeking your recommendations for a high quality one-box CD player with HDCD decoding. Currently I have the EAD Ultradisk 2000 MKII which sounds great, albeit an older technology. I am considering upgrading to a player with newer DAC's & possibly upsampling; such as a Cary 303/300. Please suggest any other machines that I should audition? This is for an Accuphase separates rig, so high quality is definitely a priority. thanks for your input!
Nsgarch, I doubt if they bought it to kill it as for a long time their webpage listed all HDCDs that were in print. I think, however, as they are now so far behind Apple and Itoons,etc. that they are hoping that having their music include HDCD when available that they can catch up. I suspect this is unlikely to succeed and that they will just abandon HDCD in the future. I do suspect that many artists will continue to record in this format, but I wonder how long players that decode it will be available.
The 3 years old Arcam FMJ CD 23T with HDCD and his dCS Ring DAC is the best for the money, but ML 390S beats all.
THG, I was not refering to HDCD as flawed. I thought it was worth while although it will fool you because its levels are louder when processing. Something louder always sounds better. I was refering to CD's in general and it is a flawed format.
I use a $10,000 Wadia 861se and CD IS flawed. HDCD wasn't a bad idea. However, I don't know many new players that offer decoding and they're not many discs out there. It was no match for SACD though.
This is a pretty cool site. Catalogs everything on HDCD including new arrivals.
