Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?

Since Audiogon removed the first thread related to the ART SLA-1 amplifier based on reasoning I can't really make sense of, I will re-post being careful not to advertise services. I would simply like to read peoples exerience with the unit as compared to other amplifiers. I believe some people were about to post their findings when the post went the way of the DoDo. Now, lets see if this is good enough to not get axed after having nearly 60 responses.

From d911's website -

"This is the mod that has to be heard to be believed. It is quite extensive and employs new sheet metal, computer grade capacitors huge chokes, 20 amp breakers, Cardas binding posts and RCA's and many more additions."

20 amp breaker? This as a replacement for the <=10amp fuse?
Its a truly wonderful idea iff'n you want your insurance company to tell you to take a leap (or look to those deep pockets of DNA Audio) when your house burns down.

Admittedly, a 20amp rocker breaker will replace the switch and existing fuse and offer substantially lower resitance under heavy current draw. But, in any and all countries electrical codes, this is the equivalent of putting a penny in as a replacement for a fuse. So, you put in a 20amp breaker on a device that would typically plugged into 15amp house circut. What exactly is the point?, other than a continuing display of engineering 'expertise', from someone who claims and Electrical Engineering degree?

No doubt, Mr. Nance will now change his website, but I've saved this page on my computer, so I will always have this 'gem'. Truly amazing......
Pmkap, you wouldn`t be related in any way to Occam over on Audiocircle would you? You two seem to talk the same talk, makes one wonder if you walk the same walk? I`ll be really curious to hear D911`s answers to inquiring questions, like your ever going to have Dandy Don do any modding for you. LMAO Regards, Robin

Indeed, I am Occam over on AudioCircles. But unlike Dandy Don, I only post under one name on each forum. No pudpuppets for me! Please don't misunderstand me, I don't doubt that the SLA, as is, or with a few $hundreds max, at retail from a competent, honest modder (or DIY), is a fine value. But as Sean has so cogently pointed out, the volumetric and transformer constraints would put this product, if one were to spend $500 on modifications, in the realm of 'polishing a turd'.

From d911's website -

"Because the whole is greater than the sum.

ART SLA-1 modification is priced at an INTRODUCTORY USD$500 the normal price for the mod is USD$1,000 due to the cost and level of the material used in the modification process. The introductory pricing is extended through the month of June.
This is the mod that has to be heard to be believed. It is quite extensive and employs new sheet metal, computer grade capacitors huge chokes, 20 amp breakers, Cardas binding posts and RCA's and many more additions."

Golly, we should all act now, lest this $500 bargain slip away. And while we're talking bargains, I live in Brooklyn, and have this bridge to sell, and I'll be raising the price as of July 1st....

I've put up some technical discussion, constrained by the lack of a schematic or actual product, over on audiocircles,here -

Pmkap, aka Occam
Pmkap or Occam or whoever you post as on all the other boards (Why use different names on audio boards but that's really not sockpuppeting now is it??): Ever hear a version of Will Durant's "To speak Ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves"? Probably not. You aren't maybe a little jealous of Don Nance at least taking a shot at modding and marketing his modded amps and being the first one out of the gate while all you are left to do is try and get people's attention by posting negative comments about him on audio boards and fascinate everyone at AC with your technical knowledge of the innards of the stock SLA1 are ya? Just curious.
Eric, I post as Occam on AudioCircles and Harmonic Discord, all other boards I post a pmkap. As you can see above, I freely acknowledged this prior to your enquiry here. Discord and Circles are the last boards I joined, and the moniker is a reference to his razor, something I endeavor to wield properly. I've never used any other names and have certainly never engaged in pudpuppeting, that orchestrated 'call and response' between different aliases or between cronies. If you consider my consistent use of two different names, unique/board as sockpuppeting, that is your prerogative. Although Mr. Nance's shenanigans on the offending thread have been exorcised by Audiogon, his exploits on AA are still there for anyone to judge for themselves.

the 'ménage a trois' between d911, audiodilbert and Jack Seaton is truly a marvel to behold.

“Ever hear a version of Will Durant's "To speak Ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves"? Probably not.”

‘ol Will’s of the ‘Story of Philosophy’ ??? You’re right, never heard of him. Why in heaven’s name do you ask a question you already know the answer to?

“You aren't maybe a little jealous of Don Nance at least taking a shot at modding and marketing his modded amps and being the first one out of the gate while all-“

No. I admire tremendously those vendors/modders/hobbyists who provide substantial cost/performance. Mr. Nance, IMO, most definitely does not fall in that category.

“you are left to do is try and get people's attention by posting negative comments about him on audio boards and-“

My intent was that the audiophile community could make their own judgments of both the integrity to which he shows in his exchanges with the public, and the technical expertise and value that he provides in his products. You are free to judge the technical 'exchanges' between Mr. Nance, and myself as you so choose. I would think that some within our community might be interested in both in forming their judgments

“ fascinate everyone at AC with your technical knowledge of the innards of the stock SLA1 are ya? “

As you found my innocuous and obvious comments on the innards of the stock SLA patronizing, I apologize. Perhaps it was a fool’s errand to post such on AudioCircles, and it might well have been more appropriate to pursue such on other, more appropriate, forums.

“Just curious.”

Curiosity is a wonderful trait. Keep it up!