Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?

Since Audiogon removed the first thread related to the ART SLA-1 amplifier based on reasoning I can't really make sense of, I will re-post being careful not to advertise services. I would simply like to read peoples exerience with the unit as compared to other amplifiers. I believe some people were about to post their findings when the post went the way of the DoDo. Now, lets see if this is good enough to not get axed after having nearly 60 responses.

Sean-Others have written to me concerning this thread that has been much talked about. I try to be unbiased ,but after reading a few of the post I have to side with some of the negative opinions concerning the way that D911 (Dan) had gone about promoting the mods.

I just cannot see how buying a $200 Pro Amp then having it Modded for $500 is going to produce a SOTA amp.

There are notable amps costing less that are worth checking out is my point. Weather or not A-GOn or the other sites are against his tactics are not a concern to me,but there are other options available to the consumer.

Wow, I checked out the Audiocircle and AA threads, and all I have to say is to ALWAYS go with your first impression.

I am not sure if anyone remembers, but in the initial thread, here comes D911(Don) in out of nowhere, blowing the horn of a product no one has ever heard of. Saying it's the best he's ever come across, and he has owned some really high priced gear.

I could smell this guy a mile away.

So what do I do? Ask him who he is, and what his affiliation to the product is. No, he did not say he was involved, but after my query, he did come clean. He seemed like a nice enough guy, so I gave him the old, you should have been forthright, but we should all move on kind of thing.

Again, ALWAYS go with your first impression.

And, never forget one of my favorite sayings, "If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas!"

As always, CAVEAT EMPTOR, and let's be careful out here,
C'mon you guys-Don Nance just scored the biggest piece of free advertising that I've seen in a long time on the audio boards. When's the last time you saw a sockpuppet's posts generate so much interest in a product? The guy's no dummy, give him that, and it's all pretty dang entertaining in the end.
If I want entertainment I'll see a show or listen to music not throw money into things that are not worthy of endorsement!