Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?

If yes, tell us about it. 

i want to meet wolfgarcia and tablejockey!
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i meet Audiogon members all the time - almost every transaction.  I try to avoid shipping and that affords me to meet most buyers and sellers in person.  I can honestly say that in the 15 yrs or so trading, swapping, buying and selling audio, I have been blessed to never have met a member who is not worthy of my trust and friendship.  I may be one of the lucky ones, but all have been very cool folks who like audio and like music.   
I've only sold one item (McIntosh MC2600) and the buyer drove from St Louis to Atlanta to pick it up. Incredibly nice guy. He spent about 10 mins checking out the amp, handed me many hundreds, and off he went. 
Excellent stories guys. Hope those who are in Texas are well. Those now pending in Florida stay safe out there, be well.
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