I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
May be a down trend in selling audio gear. However there will always be a market for mint vintage gear especially thr hi end or impossible stuff to find. A case in point would be the TOTL Yamaha CR 3020 Receiver at 170 wpc or the technics sa 1000 Receiver 330 wpc as well as the Kenwood supreme seperates  700 M amp 170 wpc and thr 700 C preamp. I believe the market especially for the hi wattage monster receivers will always be there. Oh yes forgot the Pioneer Sx 1980 and the Sansui 33000 G Receiver 
Maybe speaking for myself but I am not talking about older " vintage" gear at all.
I am seeing equipment that is less than 4 months old not even getting a look in at 40% of new. Crazy.
Its a great time to be a buyer and I am also a very shrewd shopper so I know I did not pay over the odds for anything I have. But in the last couple months it has tanked so badly I truly think is not worth listing anything here any more.
Audiogon latest site rehash may have adversely effected sales but it is same on eBay and audiomart for hifi.
I also agree with the pricing comments above. I look at the ads at least once a week to see what is new. I see way too many sellers milking it for all it's worth. If I am not going to get a decent discount, I just look for the best deal I can get and buy new. 

I definitely don't believe that stereo is dying. People have loved music since music first started being performed. There's just not many alternatives to stereo. You could watch music live, but concerts are few and far between, and have you seen the price of tickets these days?
"...equipment that is less than 4 months old not even getting a look in at 40% of new."

It makes me wonder if such equipment was "overpriced" when new, but that is another topic for another thread.

+1 glupson.
High initial price and then the obvious suspicion it wasn't as great as hoped for, else why sell so soon. Very big discount off new- maybe worth the risk. Smallish discount - not. It's that kind of world.