Has the Plinius 9200 been reviewed?

Does anybody know if the Plinius 9200 integrated amp been reviewed? I am thinking of purchasing this amp but would like to get some feed back. Your comments are appreciated.
I heartily endorse Simple's remarks. Both the 9100 and the 9200 are absolutely fantastic. I've heard the driving a wide range of speakers and the have bettered separates costing 4 times as much

You would be doing yourself a serious disservice if you let that unfortunate review prevent you from hearing a true audio gem.

Audition one yourself!
Thanks for all your feed back. I auditioned the 9200 in my system driving Aerial loudspeakers. As sirius@hotmail had indicated, this is a little gem.I AM SOLD.
I have not seen the review article of the Plinius 9200 in Hi-Fi News, but I think it is impossible for that amp to get a bad review unless the reviewer used a sample that was not broken in. This amp is simply wonderful and highly musical, with tube-like performance. I use it with a Rega Jupiter 2000 and Spendor SP100s and it makes a perfect musical match. Its phono stage is also impressive. My P-25 TT has never sounded better. This integrated amp is so good you can forget about separates. I can only hope the upcoming Plinius cd player will be outstanding as well. Forget about reviews go for an audition and you'll find for yourself. Happy listening!
You need to read this it is a good info on the 9200. http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=amp&n=38704&highlight=9200&r=&session=
I have had the 9200 in my home a lot and it is great peace. I read the article Hi-Fi news and I thank it was not broken in like Wigbert had written. It is a sweet INTEGRATED AMP. The moon is the only one in that price that even close to it.