Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......


Showing 50 responses by verafiaudio


Yes - I understand you very well 

Their is a "control" on Deep Core that allows for "normal and changed"... I agree with you - this is an important issue. 

As to twin leads - we have made arrangements inside our topology for this. We can use output ground as drain - and our wiring works within this parameter... If you would like to try this for yourself. Perhaps I can loan you a smaller power unit to test within your environment. I would be happy to do so for you...

Best Holiday Wishes,


BTW - we have many of these two wire systems in play in several foreign countries.

My humble opinion is that you might do well allowing me to loan you a smaller E=C unit to test in your 2-wire environment.

We've had success with this - and I'm not in any way discounting your question or discussion - but the best way to find out is to try it for yourself and let me know how it works. 

My e-mail is corepowertech@outlook.com

Very best holiday wishes...


For sure you are on the list. BTW - the new footers are going to arrive this week and we will be sending them to all...


Thanks Kemp - we feel very certain about this product. We ran late as amazingly (and more apt - sadly) we lost our PCB Designer as he suddenly passed away (56 y/o)... we lost two valuable members this year and they are so missed and SO appreciated. Humbled for sure... 


For sure lak - you are going to really enjoy Deep Core - we all feel it's a Game Changer. Once you have Balanced Power adding the Deep Core will resonate for sure...

We are slugging away. Our new PCB Engineer (Hassan) should be ready this week with the board and then we can assemble

Thanks all

Best Holiday Wishes...

@sadono - thank you so very very much - THAT means everything to me.

I really want to apologize for the wait times - but this week we will be caught up again. Thank you to those that have been patient with us. We had to get EPE Foam in and we finally got our order - 3 weeks late :(

The response from all corners has been amazing - we are grateful beyond words. 

I believe we will have some reviews shortly from Pass Labs owners and Constellation owners. The feedback I've been given on the phone and with e-mail has been amazing - Thank You Guys...

Happy Holidays to all... 

As I recall - there are 3 x 12awg conductors - plus shield - and one spiral complete copper wrap. (sorry for the non-tech description)...

YES - this cable has been used that way...

Happy New Year...


Thank you so very much - I will let Lynn know... We are in today cleaning up orders and getting ready to ship a lot of units on Tuesday.

We sincerely appreciate you...


4 x Hubbell 5362 Duplex Outlets - so 8 total plugs. Ready for comparisons and results. No problem for the 1800 to work with the gear you have mentioned.

If you have time - call me today to discuss 720.317.9141 - I can help


You sort of started it all - but we probably sold 12 or more 1800's to Pass Labs owners... wow... Thank YOU!

Here to help... we are open today and tomorrow... 

Thanks all

Happy New Year...


Thanks so much for your very kind comments... 

I had no idea so much was going on here :)

One thing for sure - we are NOT a "One Size Fits All Group"...

Any mod or improvement that I can be taught or turned on to is HIGHLY APPRECIATED (and I mean that)...

All systems has synergy nuances going on - mine too. This is the one reason why Deep Core will be a must for everyone going forward (IMHO)... Transformer Hand Shake is possible - and we have the right product for this...

I will try as best as I can to re-visit this thread later today or tonight. Shipping product is Numero Uno right now...

Best wishes,



I'm here... :)

We've been fighting Winter Storm Warnings and I'm behind a bit as the build has taken First Spot for me right now... 

We had yet another family medical crisis over the weekend and that slowed everything to a crawl - family first always... 

There is a lot to answer here - but I have to pick up materials at 3PM - I will be back to answer questions and be further detailed. 

To say we are busy would be an understatement. We have the full crew back - but its super cold here today and we are moving around like frozen stick figures :) Thank Heavens to office is nice and toasty - but the warehouse is FRIGID!

Back to you quickly...

Happy New Year Ozzy


Continued thanks to many of you for your positive comments here...

Lots and lots of units shipping - we may be actually caught up completely by the close of this week. 

Older back orders left today and more tomorrow - newer orders before the end of the week. 

Many thanks

More Trackers to be sent tomorrow. We just ran out of time and gas today. They can't ship out as we missed UPS in any event. 

Exciting times for sure - the phone was ringing quite a bit today after CES - the Flat Panel Display/ Projection Guys are really interested. We had 11 unsolicited new orders from this group today. 

Back to packing... 

Thanks for the support everyone... Lynn and I sincerely appreciate it. 

Best wishes,

@lasuede - Thanks for your note - and I can assure you that units are identical - save for the 220/230 operation. 

We have near to 80 units overseas now - with Singapore and Thailand easily our best distribution. 

Many customers happily using these products overseas. 

Best wishes - here to help...



Greetings All...

I just learned today that Core Power Tech E=C 300 has won Most Wanted Component from Stereotimes... You can find that data here...


My sincere thanks to Greg Voth for sayin' it like it is :)

My additional thanks for my Brother Clement Perry who just today ordered 2 x 1800's (I had to tell him he had to wait a bit :(... )

We are very grateful...

Greg's comments as noted below...

Many thanks


Core Power Technologies EQUI=CORE 300 (EQUI=CORE  300  $799.00 w/2.5 foot cord, $849.00 w/5.5 foot cord, $899.00 with 8.5 foot cord reviewed here):It might be trite to say I heard things I’d never heard before, but it’s true. With the EQUI=CORE 300, everything seems so much more 3-dimensional and effortless. The presentation sounds SO much bigger and more dynamic, with deeper and more enveloping bass within a much deeper soundstage Micro dynamics and subtle nuances that escaped me before are far more apparent, the noise floor has dropped noticeably lower and the 300 appears to offer a 12 to 20+dB boost in dynamic range.  Upon hearing the EQUI=CORE 300 for the first time, I wrote Core Power Techs Mark Schifter the following: ‘Magnificent! It ain’t coming back.’ Since then I’ve acquired a second 300. (Greg Voth)

Yes - Hassan, Doug and Justin have been going at it night and day and I've been told that my Alpha Samples will be good to go next week. I'm hoping for that... :)

Best wishes,

Per the last call I just had - contact data as follows -



I also welcome your calls - ++1.720.317.9141

Thanks so much,

Have spoken to many of you these last few days and I'm really appreciative of the comments and encouragement. Thank You!

It looks like as of today we have finally cleared our backlog with the exception of some 220/240v units that will be  ready shortly.

Production tells me we actually have 1 x 1200 and 3 x 1800's that will be ready to ship on Monday that have not been spoken for. Happy about that...

Here to help - answer questions etc.

Best wishes,

Good Morning...

@cheche9 - Thanks so much - Lynn and I really appreciate these comments. 

Here to hellp...

With thanks

@droleg - thanks for your note here. I apologize for only getting to this now. We are fighting through a difficult day here with Snow and Ice - we are under Winter Storm Warnings today.

One of the best explanations of Balanced Power comes from the originator which is EQUI~Tech... Mr. Glasband has done a superb job of explaining this through this article - 


I hope this helps. We as well have our own measurements via our Topology which are really convincing. 

Best wishes,

Thanks for your note Oleg...

Today was "snowmageddon" here... really bad. Colorado is a beautiful place - but when the Ice hits... it becomes no fun at all...

I lived part time in Far East Siberia for 9.5 years so the cold is no big deal for me... but that ICE.... ay yay yay... :(

Best wishes,

Here to help...



Excited to hear about this - thanks...


Thanks as always sir...

Good news re Deep Core - boards are this week - we are getting very close now. 

Thanks all...

Good Morning...
@bg1968 Many thanks for your comments - truly appreciated. It was also good to chat with you as well. We are really glad you are enjoying your unit. 

Lastly @larryh111 - while your opinions are certainly appreciated - most of the people on this thread (11 pages long) have had experience with our products and others. Respecting ones opinion is the norm here and quite expected. We are all here for each other - to learn and enjoy. 

Thanks so much,


Thank you for your note. 

Firstly - the Torus Products are FIRST CLASS and really well built. I like their offerings quite a bit...

That said - Balanced Power is the way to go. I say this because Good Power is the FOUNDATION for a Good System. Time and again we hear from customers that tell US what a difference Balanced Power has made. They can HEAR the difference - and that's where the rubber hits the road for all of us. 

I'm here to help you in any way possible...


or ++1.720.317.9141

Best wishes,


Thank you for your note. I currently show we have two 220v orders on backlog - they are Hong Kong and Israel.

The Hong Kong units are done - we are waiting for Powder Coated Extruded Corners to arrive from our Powder Coater - we have been told they will be here Tuesday of next week. We apologize profusely for this delay as the extruded legs we have here were deemed B Level. We don't want to send B Level of course...

If this is Israel - we just Friday received 220v 1800 Transformers. The chassis is built and ready to be loaded. Our apologies here of course. We had to wait for 220v Transformers from our vendor. 

In either case - we feel badly about our delay and we will send something extra to apologize. 

Thank you for your extended patience. We really do care - and we are very sorry for the delay.

Thank You,


I'm really so deeply sorry for the delay. Vendors can be difficult to manage at times. 

You will note an extra gift in your carton - this is with my thanks.

Very best wishes to you...

BTW - we are also backlogged re our in house order to Thailand and Sweden (I was reminded by my wife). For those of you waiting - you will be smiling soon - these orders are done.

Thanks again...

I'm so very saddened to report that we just lost a good friend and uber-gifted Engineer in John Petrucelli 

John was a very well know Engineer in the Pro Audio World and he has been our Engineer of Record on our Power Core project. 

John passed last night. He will be sincerely missed...

We have a great team at Core Power Tech - that sad losing Tyler and then Scott and now JP... I hardly know what to say. Tonight it's music and perhaps even a glass of red wine. 

The Power Core will make it's way to the market before mid-year, but it will be in a lower-power variant (where I believe re-generators work best) and done a bit differently then first imagined. 

JP was our 2nd in Charge on the BOM Project I built for Emerald Physics - he did an amazing job along with Olga and Gary. They brought Doug Goldberg's work to life. 

Sad day - I will however celebrate my dear friend with music and fond memories. 

Best to all - 


Sincere appreciation to you and to Mike Garner. Mike has been a friend for a very long times and he was just here in the office a few weeks ago where we discussed some modifications and extras. I approved Mike's plans - he is as solid a guy as there is in our industry.

I'm very appreciative to you @knghifi as improving the product is all about progress - and this is next level stuff. 

Thank You Again...

Best Wishes,

Good Morning All...

There is an issue I need to raise on this forum - and I will be doing so as well on our web site.

As we are dealing with AC Mains here obtaining Product Liability Insurance is never an easy matter. Our company has asked us to use US style AC Plugs - and not Schuko (or otherwise)...

Those desiring Schuko can of course have them - but we can only include them in the box re 50/150 and 300. We include an ECO Wattgate in this case. We do not install them...

Most folks are happy with a simple adaptor - but as this came up this morning I felt I had better let everyone know here. We do not charge for the Wattgate Schuko (or otherwise) -

This will be reflected right away on our web site as well...

Thank You,


PS - this is again ONLY reference the AC Mains plug on 50/150 and 300

I am told that we should have boards and readied beta units re Deep Core in two weeks. 

Super excited about this of course. 

Felt this needed updating a bit in this thread...

Many thanks,

Good Evening...

I wanted to update all of you that have purchased CPT products of the following...

First - all 1200 and 1800 owners will be receiving a package this week or early next re your Warranty Statement (5 years unconditional) as well as 4 of these wonderful isolator "pucks" that work perfectly for the above mentioned. 

As well - each of you will be receiving a $250 dollar coupon towards the purchase of Deep Core. Doug has been in DC for a few days - but we have been working on our Introduction Notes re this product. This product is an improvement firmly rooted in science that will really be viewed as quite special once listened to. Of course this will come with an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee (like all of our products)

Those of you that have purchased either a 50, 150 or 300 will also get this coupon.

We want you folks to enjoy these fruits first as you represent a large portion of our Early Adopters.

I still don't have final pricing as we are discussing quantity purchases with our vendors. Once I have these in hand - I will post final pricing. We are still under $1K dollars and trying hard for $799-ish... :)

Thanks so much...

Good Evening...

Lynn reports to me that after meeting all commitments (including 230v units which are in-test right now for final shipment) we actually have 5 units which can be shipped...

I have 2 x 1200 and 3 x 1800

These are packed and ready to leave Monday.

Thanks so much...

Thank You SW for reminging me to post my contact info. I wasn't thinking - a bit tired here...



Thanks all... Sunday is also OK for a call... we will be in the office early and then home early (as well) for Super Bowl :)


Lets try to chat next week before your DEEP CORE alpha samples arrive...



Please do let me know if I can help. We do have stock and can ship quickly at this moment. 

I believe we spoke the other day on the phone. Here if you need me - and thanks to those that have offered their opinions...

Best wishes,

Greetings All...

Just wanted you to know that our Isolation Pucks have not yet arrived. 

Your letters, coupons and the iso-pucks will all go together.

Apologies for the delay - they ARE on the way.

Thanks all...

Wanted to share with everyone this really wonderful review... Very proud of this - and over the next few months I am aware of several more reviews that will be published. 

Jeff Dorgay and TONE Audio are The Real Deal - and I'm just very pleased and proud today...



Many thanks to all of you that have supported and continue to support our company...

Best wishes,


I too want you to review the unit :) 

Once we have perfect 220 volt units - we will release them. I really appreciate your patience - and that patience will be justly rewarded. I promise...


Thanks so very much - 

We have been collecting comments for several weeks now - Pass Labs owners - Constellation... lots of headphone users, Single Ended guys etc. etc. All have really exciting stories to tell. 

Huge impact on Video as well... 

@sadono - always good to hear from you... :)

Best to all,

Special note to our Canadian Friends


Bob - I wanted to post a very sincere and public thanks for your great efforts on our behalf. You have done a superb job and you are most appreciated. 

As of today, Core Power will be taking care of Canadian business on a direct basis. We are here to help and to serve.

Bob and I will be collaborating in several areas in the future... and I look forward to that...

With humble thanks to Bob and @worldwidewholesales 

I've been enjoying putting user comments up on my personal Facebook Page. The comments back from friends all over the world has inspired me to offer a few here as well. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting a few of these...

Here was the first one I posted...

In my 48 years in the Audio Industry I have learned one of the best ways to judge a product is by comments of our end users - this is where the rubber hits the road. I'm going to posting several over the next few days - this one from S.W. in Naperville IL


Hi Mark,

I cannot emphasize how impressed I am with the Equi=Core 1200 in my stereo system. Every aspect of sound reproduction in my 2 channel system has been improved very significantly and with no discernable side effects. Noise floor is much lower - revealing details never heard before, bass goes noticeably lower, soundstage wider and deeper, vocals are gorgeous and also there is a sense of the sound being more like the real thing....like a live peformance. Background vocals and instruments are very easy to hear and place in the soundstage. I could go on but it just seems like I have had multiple component upgrades in my system. Lastly, video is also much improved with darker blacks, more vivid colors and with a more three dimensional look.

Thanks Again


Good Morning...

I’m pleased to share this morning that FINALLY our isolation pucks have shipped from the factory. These guys make a great product... but the waiting was really killing me.

Looks like next week I can send the letter to all of with these and other goodies...

Thanks for your patience...

Best wishes,


Please, by all means get in contact with me. 

I'm here to help you


Best wishes,


Never heard from you... May I please ask you to contact me...

Thank You


Hi Tony!

Thanks so much - looking forward to chatting... I have some ideas for you...

If for any reason you get my voice mail it may be because I am scheduled to have surgery on my thumb... 

Many thanks
Hello CPT Customers...

The iso-Pucks have arrived and this week those packages will FINALLY be going out... :) Pucks were almost 4 weeks late - but they came out GREAT!

Also - our new Super Stroke Power Cords have arrived! These are the very best Power Cords I can design and build under $500 dollars. I've tested the samples against everything I could put my hands on - I am thrilled with the final units that are here and in stock...


Any CPT Customer can drop us a note and we will provide unit one for them at $99 dollars. These are superbly crafted, sound great, finished beautifully and super flexible for eae of use. 

We are also working on a special project with THE MAN for power cords - his sample is here and we love love love... it won't be $99 dollars though... :)


Thanks and be well...


PS - if I'm a moment or two behind with e-mails it's because I am due to have surgery on my right thumb... Ugh... 

Good to hear from you sir...

No - these have Standard style IEC Female Input...

They are really good - very excited about this product...

Best wishes,


Our board vendor sent the first 6 units to us and they made a mistake with the "thickness" of the boards. These must carry heavy current - so we went back to them and asked them to re-make the boards. 

Fortunately - they saw their error and the new boards should be here Friday. We have all of the parts in house already...

Doug does have Unit One up on his bench and he reports that it works perfectly. We are going to release a statement as to what does it actually do (deeper explanation than the one I've been giving people) shortly. 

This is a very cool product and one that everyone will be interested in...

Many thanks,


So grateful for your wonderful comments - we are surely very proud...

Best wishes,

Wow... been gone for a few days on rest and lots here... 


I believe truly that thess are very different products. The E=C line really works as a FOUNDATION SETTING product for all systems. Lowering the noise floor is amazing for sure in any/every system

Further words on Deep Core a bit later in the evening. If anyone wants to actually see Deep Core feel free to e-mail me and I will send you 4 very realistic renderings... corepowertech@outlook.com


Our products come with a 30-day money back guarantee (from product arrival)... We are still at ONE RETURN over the last 15+ months. 

I have been in systems with other Power Products and while some are very good - the foundational differences with E=C is hard to beat at the asking price. 


Thanks as always... :)


Excited to hear your results with Deep Core - the combination of the two items E=C and Deep Core is to my ears AMAZING...

ISO-Puck packages with warranty Starements - receipts etc still going out daily. Lots of very positive feedback going on...

More about Deep Core tonight. Doug's Engineering Statement is very good - although he was a bit cagey about the adjustment pot and what it does. The synchronicity this system provides is really a game-changer...

Thanks all
