Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......


Showing 50 responses by verafiaudio

For those of you interested in seeing what the updated cosmetic looks like - I've posted a nice picture in our photobucket. 

You can access it here...


Thanks as always,


Please let me know if you can't see these pictures. I can e-mail them to you... thanks...


As always... Thank You... :)


Really pleased to read these early thoughts. They will continue to get better and better with time. 


Humble thanks - I may quote you on the Thor reference... :)

Best to you folks as always...

Just wanted to add a lovely mention that was just published re our E=C 300 at The Capital Audiofest... This is cool...


As well - deliveries made to to Thailand that had a great positive impact. 

So Korea just received their first CPT products - waiting for their info. 


Thanks so very much for the kind comments. I'm very proud. 

Best wishes,


Thanks for your note Dmitry - 

You cannot hurt your equipment plugging them into a larger AC Balanced Power Source. By using something like a Wireworld Matrix 2 plugstrip you have 6 outlets at your disposal. You can use them - or not. 

Happy to help you - feel free to e-mail or call...



Appreciate your interest...

Best wishes -


We are delivering here real shortly - you are in the first group of course... :)

Lots of good news here - very grateful.

Thanks so much,


@audionewby - thanks for posting and YES, these are one in the same product.

I’m always here to answers questions or help in any way.

Thanks Jon




Oh yes... TV's are the most constant "high duty cycle" around. 

Our audio equipment never really draws close to what the equipment is rated as audio has (generally speaking) a lower duty cycle...

The box itself getting warm is fine...

If you need me for anything you are welcome to call, text or e-mail -


or corepowertech@outlook.com

Many thanks,

Good Morning...

Just a very short update on our 1200 and 1800. 

We had a delivery of transformers that were mis-labeled. This has been sorted out and we are now on a short count down to shipping first units. 

To those that have been so patient - a huge thank you.

Best wishes,




Thanks for your question.

These do NOT hum. Part of the reason it took us a year and 11 prototypes to finally get exactly what we wanted was all about the delivery of a system that was fully balanced and did not hum in any manner. 

They will heat up (normal) but they won't hum. :) 

Always here to help...

Many thanks,


Good stuff - and thanks. 

Initial Pricing is $1195 and $1595. These prices will (sadly) for sure go up near the end of October/early November. I have to raise them between 2 and 300 dollars. :(


I'm still smiling from your last e-mail. Thank You... :)


I STILL love that line - all of these years later. 

We had shipments go to India, The Netherlands and New Zealand is Friday. Thanks to all of you for your kind words re the product and your encouragement. 

Best always,

@hieukm -

Thank you for your notes here - please do continue to break in the E=C 300. I am interested in your further examination. 

We have not specifically stated how folks should use our Balanced AC Power Source(s). Each situation can be (will be - perhaps) different. 

There are many comments from me that IMHO our E=C units are thin and a bit hard just as new - but once past 50 hours of use they will get better - and after 150 hours of use they become much better still. 


We will have 4 duplex's - therefore 8 total outlets. 

Thanks all,


Good Evening...

I think I may have misinterpreted @hieukm's post. 

My apologies... It looks as if you replaced the very fine GE Cable with the E=C 300. 

Hopefully, you will further share your experiences...

Best Always...

@hieukm - Thank you for clearing this up further. 

I am happy to replace any unit not working properly. I don't understand the spark - but do know we are here to support you. 

I will be very interested to hear your findings after 2 weeks.

Many thanks,

Best wishes...

@hieukm - 

Thanks again... 

Yes, the cord is "serious" and by that I do mean thick :) I hear you... 

I am always here to help. I'm a long time in this business and the only things that matter are the customer and the brand integrity. 

I feel confident in my heart that after two weeks later we will hear some positive feedback from you. I have been to Viet Nam and I know the audio scene is quite vibrant there now. We are talking to a few Distributors about representing our products. 

I look forward to more from you.

Best wishes,


Thank you for the nice message here - my pleasure always.


Best wishes,

Just a very short note of apology as I've been really down for the count with a virus that has slowed me to a crawl. 

I'm behind - but will catch up quickly once I can go back to work.

Thanks all,

Hi @ozzy 

I just replied to your audiogon mail. 

I have not been through my messages since the weekend with everything going on - just not enough time or strength. 

Your audiogon message was received as follows -

Tue 10/11/2016 11:50 AM

I'm just not as fast as I used to be. 

Please give my note a read. You are our honored Customer and I really apologize if I have missed your e-mails. I did get one from Wally re your inquiry. I know this very much a connected world @ozzy - but I'm going as quick as I can sir. :)

Many thanks...


Thank you so much for the chat today - it felt good just to be able to share "all the stuff" we chatted about...



I apologize for being quiet these last few days @ozzy - the only message I have from you was an audiogon message which I had planned to reply to today. I do now see you have e-mailed about the Ground --- We DO have Ground 

We are going to ship some units today (at last). We have met many challenges with getting the new units out. I apologize - 

We just had RMAF - I had Distributors in from all over the world. It was fun, but exhausting. I'm loathe to share too many personal details on ANY forum - but I just learned that out lay-out and design Engineer in Canada passed away suddenly today of a heart attack. He was in his late 20's. My Sister is gravely ill in Los Angeles and my wife has to go to the WA area due to a family emergency. Life is full of many challenges. 

Kemp is correct - I'm also fighting some continuing health issues. I'm on a new regimine and I know I will in tip-top shape shortly.

I always have to fight the urges to ship even though I know something is not 100% correct. Our dealer (Underwood Hifi) has paid orders and of course I want to (WILL) fulfill those first. (And I will)... I've communicated with several of you about the small and niggling problems we faced - but they have been all solved and we can ship. I personally apologize to all of you for the quiet. We are a very small company and in my case EVERYTHING must be beyond perfect. I have refused to take any deposits myself at Core Power. In the future I will remind my dealers not to take paid in full orders (in advance) until they have left the building. In the end... I have only myself to blame. 

Sadly - sometimes life deals us imperfection...

With very best wishes to you all...

Wanted to send a very quick shout out to two of you that suggested I visit no matter what's going on every week. I made a promise to do that. 

I wish I could post pictures here - maybe after John and I talk tomorrow I and he has called @ozzy I will figure out a way to explain it all  better. 

I'm just too wiped out with everything today and Tyler's sudden passing. 

Thanks all for your patience.
Good Morning All...

After yesterday's tragedy and ultimately the loss of our dear friend Tyler Elliott today is quieter and I've already been able to chat with John who promised to pen a paragraph or two on Ground (and yes - we do have Ground) and how our particular topology works. There is a limit as to how much I can say given this is all part of our Secret Sauce... :) I plan on posting it here today or tomorrow. 


John will call you today and I know you will enjoy your call with him. John has designed more subwoofer amps than anyone in the industry and he is a very bright guy. He's very cool for a mid-60's guy. BTW - don't bring up the disaster of the Red Sox this baseball season... :)

Thanks all...


Today John has sent along these short paragraphs to explain how our unit works without giving away all of the Secret Sauce. I know from first hand experience that most likely this will raise even more questions (or at least has the potential to)... but we hope this will suffice. 

John is a consummate New Englander. He's to-the-point and "lets get on with it" kind of guy. He is not everyone's cup of tea - but I love him dearly. 

Here are his few words on the subject (unedited - even though I was tempted in a few places ::)


I understand that one of your customers tried using an off-the-shelf AC Line Voltage Polarity tester on the the output of an Equicore and was confused by the results. He or she should be: it's the wrong tool for assessing the Equicore's properties.

Conceptually, Equicore is a simple unbalanced-to-balanced transformer, as described in numerous on-line references. (Google and its brethren are your friends.) The 120 (or 240)V AC line voltage is impressed on the primary, and the output is wired to deliver a center-tapped 120 (or 240)V output. This offers significant audible benefit in cleaning up common-mode noise coming from the AC line, at least to my aging ears. For safety, the secondary center tap is connected to the green ground from the AC line. There is no magic here.

Your typical AC Line Voltage Polarity tester measures the voltage from green ground, the long prong on the AC plug, to each of the other 2 prongs. One of them is called "hot" and the other "neutral". The "hot" one should exhibit a 120V (or 240V) difference from green ground. The "neutral" wire should be pretty much at ground and will typically be no more than a few 10's of millivolts from ground. The Polarity tester "lights some lights" to indicate these voltages in sort of a "go/no-go" fashion. In some instances, the hot and neutral are inadvertently swapped or otherwise incorrectly connected, which can cause problems for some equipment. Hence the need for such testers.

The reason this is the wrong tool is that both hot and neutral are the same voltage (~60V) away from ground for Equicore! That's the way it's supposed to work in order to derive its many benefits. Again, I don't know why someone chose to try to assess the performance with such a device, as its indicators would not be as expected.

It's important to note the a safety ground is assured by connecting the center tap of the transformer secondary to green ground. Any equipment whose chassis is ordinarily grounded to the AC line green ground will still have this connection.




So - there you have it. Ground IS IN PLACE... but in pure-speak it might be "masked" to some measurement techniques. John makes note of that here 


For safety, the secondary center tap is connected to the green ground from the AC line. There is no magic here. 


We have not had any issues with respect to this and to today we have still had one only return (from The Netherlands). 

None of this is simple or easy (at least I don't think it is) and I applaud vigorously the work of @ozzy for his analysis - given the tools he had. His offending sub(s) are not plugged into any of our outlets but given the system is by definition "A SYSTEM" he was looking at all potential causes. We did get caught in that rip-tide a bit. 

I'm here to help - although very little voice recovering still from whatever virus has invaded my chubby body. 

Thanks once again...

Best wishes -


Good Evening…


I wanted to take a moment as the week is ending here to send along my very genuine thanks to all of you that have supported us – and waited so very patiently for us to finally ship 1200’s and 1800’s which begins tomorrow.


I’m sending along a few links to pictures. I took a unit away from the Production Bench and just snapped a few pictures and shot a quickie video. I hope you enjoy these…








I’m so very appreciative to all of you for suffering through these Production delays. Besides some very real family issues and the loss of our wonderful teammate Tyler Elliott… we had 11 distinctive issues arise during the early production process. On top of that… many of you know that I’m the Lead Designer and Manufacturer of ALL the Emerald Physics products. I’m very proud of that but over the last 8 weeks we have had to plan and move the ENTIRE LOUDSPEAKER INVENTORY to Texas where they will now be made. This took an enormous amount of time and man (and woman) power. The job is only 60% complete. The balance leaving for Texas over the next two weeks. BTW – we are talking about over 100 baffles.


I can only say thank you – and I will add that we will NEVER allow any of our dealers to book orders in advance and accept money for same. This practice ends. Even with best plans made… stuff does happen, and working without a safety net makes it 10 x more difficult. The product is tested – safety checked, design carefully reviewed repeatedly, as I cannot abide by in-field problems that we could have solved.


These delays were all dealt with correctly and proved out with careful attention to detail. We are a very small company and we are judged daily by how we perform. I thank you all again for your help and understanding. I also want to send a shout out to @LAK for his particular kindness and courtesy in his notes to me. Thank You!


Along the way… a very nice thing has happened as well today. The Everything Audio Network review of the E=C 300 was published today. John Gatski is well known to industry vets like myself as a complete NO Nonsense Reviewer. John is very reserved and achieving a Stellar Sound Award makes all of us proud.




You can find the review itself here…




There is a lot to say about this review – but best if I just let the review speak for itself. I have yet to find a system that our EQUI=CORE has not improved – and I have tested our products on all types of systems at all price points up to 50K +.


Lastly tonight… I am pleased to share with you that my long-time and very dear friend Doug Goldberg has stepped up with two new designs that are going to change EVERYTHING we know about the Power Product Segment of our industry – just as some of his designs changed everything in the digital world back when we owned Audio Alchemy.


Doug is The Real Deal – he has worked on our nation’s BEST Fighter Jets where power is a very big deal. Doug’s first new product is Deep Core – and we expect that Deep Core will be available in 4 to 5 weeks. The design is in house and it blows me away. This is a very important product for our company and to be candid, Deep Core will work with every other Power Product and cable I’m aware of at this moment.


In Doug’s words –


The Deep Core is a multi-function power conditioner that re-defines the category. The Deep Core is designed to not only provide clean, spur free power but it also allows the user to optimize the power delivery interface via a user adjustment. The optimization of the power delivery interface can significantly affect sound quality as the prime power source is a major contributor to attributes such as the noise floor and dynamic range of the system. The Deep Core can be used with almost any system configuration providing optimized power for both source components and power amplifiers. Deep Core has the following major attributes;


·         Input circuit features a unique DC snubber which stops any DC , constant or transient, imposed upon the power lines from passing through the Deep Core and into the system. DC can saturate the transformers of source components and cause voltage fluctuations.

·         After the DC snubber the Deep Core has a complex common mode filter designed to suppress any RF signals that may be riding on the power lines. This RF energy can raise the noise floor and affect the total dynamic range of the system. The EMI filter is implemented with high quality magnetics that will not saturate under high current conditions.

·         After the common mode filter a second EMI/RFI filter is implemented that further cleanses the power of unwanted out of band products. This additional filter includes integrated surge suppression to ensure that no high voltage transients, such as the voltage from a lightning strike, will pass through the system

·         The last stage of the Deep Core contains the adjustable power delivery interface. This interface allows the user to optimize the power delivery to his or her system. This unique capability allows the Deep Core’s performance to be optimized for each individual user case.


Please note that we surely do want to tell you more about this “Adjustable Power Delivery Interface” and later we surely will. For now, we are only saying that this adjustment makes differences that will startle. Like our Balanced Power EQUI=CORE models, this topology is rooted directly in science. No hocus-pocus. A full and complete suite of measurements will be published in November for Deep Core and of course… the perfect companion product is our AC Balanced Power Source --- EQUI=CORE. They make beautiful music together. As this product is IEC in – and Hubbell Duplex Out – your existing power cords are welcome and will perform like you have never heard them. It’s going to be fun.


All 15 of those of you that paid and waited for EQUI=CORE 1200 or 1800 you will be given very special factory coupon to use if you find yourself interested in Deep Core. Continuing to say how sorry I am.


Thanks again – and my apologies for this ultra-long message.





Thanks so very much. We are very excited here and really energized :)

Best wishes,


Thank you so much for your note - sincerely... 


It feels good - and my hands are all cut up with box cuts and paper cuts... this is a Good Thing.



Thanks so much - We are really cranking here and Tracking Numbers are going to out right away.

I heard that Underwood has hurt his back severely (sad to say) so he may be slowed.

We be jamming here real good now (at last)...

Best wishes and thanks again...

Just wanted to thank this very nice customer in Boulder that took delivery today of an E=C1200 for his 2-channel system and an E=C 1800 for his Home Theater. 

The 2-channel system was simply marvelous and I had a great time enjoying the system and the addition of the CPT units. 

My sincere thanks...

A few photos here




Thanks for your post -

Could you please e-mail the model numbers of each product and I will calculate your need. 

I believe you will enjoy our products and we have reports of great improvements with Plasma TV's...

Thanks for the opportunity to serve. 



can't sleep - glad I saw this... :)

Hello - we have in fact begun shipping 1200’s and 1800’s. I believe several folks will begin to see these in the next several days. We have been real pleased - dead quiet and bottomless well of energy (as it’s been described)...

You can of course directly connect E=C 50/150 or 300 to any of the Balanced Outputs of the 1200/1800.

Here to help...

++1.720.317.9141 or corepowertech@outlook.com

Best wishes,

Good Morning... 

Here are some answers to your questions...


This is a very good question. I have been working with this very same question in my home setup and at Emerald Physics / Core Power offices.

Although I'm quite surprised to admit this - it does appear that using a 1200 or an 1800 WITH then a smaller unit does make a positive impact. I would not have expected this as Balanced is Balanced. The larger units are quite good and really do provide a deep extension. There is no science to prove this point yet that's what I hear in both systems. 

I have an Exogal Comet+/Ion at home right now and WOW did the above really make a difference. Shocking in fact. On the Emerald 100.2SE and the Peachtree Integrated I have at the office is make less of an impact - but it was there.


In essence no - but that said, our Transformer Topology took 11 months and as many samples to yield exactly what we wanted. Very quiet, very compact and efficient - works really well. 

There are other factors including the cord itself and the connectors - but I cannot make any claims about there being other magical components inside - that would not be correct. 


In the (now) 3 systems I have tried this in there were no extraneous ground-based loops found (or heard). No "sympathetic" hum loops as well. 

My estimation is that there is a positive impact. Our Engineering guys might have other comments - but sonically... I like what we have here. 

We continue to ship 1200 and 1800's - there are 7 more burning in now - and our hope is that by the end of this coming week the ENTIRE Back Log is filled. 

I will be in contact with each of you. Everyone that waited via Underwood will get a Conductor One power cable and each of you will also be receiving a very nice and valuable coupon towards Deep Core if you decide to try it...

We really appreciate each of you - many thanks...

Mark and Lynn

PS - I want to thank those of you that have called the office and have spoken with my wife Lynn. Your kindness that you've shown her is sincerely appreciated. Lynn works hard for all of us - and she has told me that many of you have figured out that getting her on the phone is fun and informative. A woman's view on all of this is interesting to say the least. Thanks again... 

PPS - a very special thanks to my dear friend "jojo" we loved the pictures. 

My true and complete thanks LAK. We feel very good about what we have shipped and are delivering. 

I will say that we did forget to pack the big rubber feet we have - so you'll be receiving these with the special coupon and Thank You note I'm working on. 

My test-team continue to report that the 1800 we have been passing around provides (and I quote) - a bottomless well of energy never heard....

These are good days here... more and more units are shipping and our early adopters have had nothing but positives to share. 

I will pass this on to our team - 


Mark + Lynn and the guys... 

PS - wait for 50 hours when that big boy lets loose a bit. :) 

I also hear better attack and decay elements. Last night before an early bed time I played this -

Britten: Simple Symphony op. 4: II. Playful Pizzicato Trondheim Solistene Divertimenti Classical 2 3:08 2104 flac 2007
Playful Pizzicato_2_0 STEREO_FLAC_96-24.flac

The attack and decay elements were the best my system has exhibited. I was really excited about this. The elegance of this piece came through loud and clear but the surprise was how defined the notes were and the decay was outstanding. 

I'm sorry to sound so excited and not very humble here - but the larger unit (1800) now being used from stem to stern in my system really made me smile. Yes LAK - more musical for sure...

Intimate Jazz blew me away too... This one was really nice...

Icebreaker No.2 Atzko Kohashi Dualtone 4:11 2905 flac No.2 - Atzko Kohashi.flac

OK sorry - I will get back to work now and get the rest of the backlog shipped... :)

Apologies for the indulgence...

Best wishes,



Thanks for your comment... I'm smiling inside and out... 


Totally agree!

Have a good day all...


Yes we do - we will have both the 1200 and 1800 available in 220/240 50Hz in a few weeks. We are really pleased with our Beat Level Units - they are really amazing...





Here the beat goes on... very happy local guys using the 1800 against some very expensive competitors... I believe these two guys are going to write about it here on this forum. Both were really shocked (bad word to use - but it describes their results)... 2 orders for Thanksgiving units... :)

Best wishes,


What types of measurements are you after... I have some before and after. 

Wally cannot help you with any of that... as much as I love my dear friend - he does not have access to tech data unless I supply it to him. :)

You can find a picture of the back of the unit here...


Here to help if you need sales or tech support...

Best wishes,


Thanks Kemp - you are probably right...

That data as you've noted is correct...



My apologies to you...

The 1800 weighs in now at 55 pounds. The physical size of the 1800 is identical to that of the 1800. 

Here to help...

Thank You,

@sadono - Thanks so very much. It's been a good but challenging year for sure - and I appreciate your warmth and kindness. EP is rocking real good and the 200.2SE is about to come out (really excited about this one) and our own DSP2.8 - 2x8 DSP with full palette of digital and analog I/O. Been working on this one with JL for what seems like and eternity. This one is Sigma Studio based - so wait until you see what we can do now for owners of EP Loudspeakers. Huge Shout Out to Dan Mullins in Sarnia, Ontario Canada - without Dan - no EP wonderfulness... :)


My most humble thanks. More than your words here which means so much to Lynn and myself (she is next to me reading everything right now before we go home)... your phone calls and e-mails that told me to stay the course and get it all to where it was as perfect as possible. YOU are a True Friend LAK. Thanks - and thanks as well for your lovely review.

I know I'm going to get shot for saying this at THIS MOMENT... but it looks like our Transformer maker can only deliver 40 more 1800-based Transformers through the rest of the year. Ugh...

In January we should be good for another 100. 

Thanks all,



Sincere thanks for the notes above ozzy. I'm also blown away with what my 1200 does with my LG OLED :) It's stunning...

I had the Regional Director from LG over to my home several weeks back and he was stunned - he ordered one - and just ordered a second and third for the company (for show use... :))

Thanks again for your patience and kindness...

BTW - we will have 1800's in stock again next week. 



Oh no... NOT AT ALL A REPLACEMENT. This is an add on product that is meant to work "in system" to provide the very best Power Interface to your equipment. We promised to post more data about this revolutionary product shortly - and we will do so.

We are hoping for an under $800 dollar retail price point. This unit has IEC IN and One Hubbell Duplex Outlet (so two plugs)...

More very soon... and thanks...

Best Holiday Wishes,

@benzman - I am very certain you will love what the 1800 will bring to your audio and video

@sadono - yes... I need to ask for some help here - others have mentioned this.

I don’t buy many expensive things in my life any longer - but this LG OLED has been The Best Purchase. I love it.

Thanks all...

Hello All,

@benzman - thanks for your enquiry. New Metal is in the house for 1800's and 1200's - we are making 1200's from back orders now - and 1800's will be ready to go next week. 

One nice surprise is you'll note that the front panels are now Laser Engraved. The "blind" engraving is very beautiful and quite understated. That said - some folks wanted to "see" the Name and Model Number even better. Our Metal Fabricator made us a sample of the Laser Engraving and it's really quite nice. 

Bottom Line - all products shipping next week - good stock until the end of the year. 


Yes indeed - word is starting to get out to the Projector Crowd as well - our Balanced Power Topology is really perfect for that purpose. I'm amazed and what I see and others are amazed at what they are measuring... :)

@sadono - thanks for your info. I'm excited to try these enhancements. 

Best wishes to all...


Thanks so much for comments. I had a chance this weekend to ready some of the e-mails coming in - and I feel very fortunate that things are going this well... Thank you again...

@sadono - as well HUGE thanks for your comments. I'm wondering if you are a "sadono" that I knew many years ago. I hope so - he was a very cool guy --- as are you... :)

I will get some nice pictures taken this week for everyone to see.

Humble thanks to all of you for your patience and kindness...

Best holiday wishes,


Hello All...

Happy Holidays...

I haven't been here for a few days and I'm catching up for a moment before heading to my Doc for a check-up. Been fighting this change-of-season cold 

We are again shipping everything and it's good to have the team back after several of us have been ill. Happy Days again here... :)


Thanks for your mail - and as indicated you are fine to change the length - let me know if you need ANY help. 

@benzman - no internal fuse - but we do have a fast-acting Circuit Breaker. I have also heard good things about SR's fuses... 


Regenerators are a good solution in some cases - my own belief is that using these for higher power applications are not the best choice. 

A well designed Balanced Power System is a great way to remove the noise from the wall - and offer your system it's ability to be at it's very best. The EQUI~TECH is the really the Grandfather of all of this - and it's a wonderful choice. 

Our products at Core Power Technologies are very flexible and offer a great value and perform the AC Balancing in an efficient and reliable way. 

We are also finding out that Balanced Power for Flat Panel Displays and Projectors are THE WAY TO GO... 

Not 100% sure on your question re Ground. But we do provide a safe and worry-free environment for your system with our products. Ground is carefully met - and the noise dealt with.

Best Holiday Season to all...

@sadono - AMAZING...

I'm so glad to have reconnected with you here... how cool is THAT!

I am feeling miles better and we have a great plan for now through the end of the year and onward. When you are as small as we are --- even ONE missing piece really messes everything up... 

We are building like mad here to keep up. 

Best to everyone - sadono --- truly happy to find you here.

My gosh - what an amazing review and general experience guide you have offered. I sent this to a few friends just now... :)

I'm really glad we have taken a power right hook to the noise in your system environment. I am truly amazed at what E=C does in my own home system as well as the test systems here at Emerald Physics. The drop in noise is significant and the resultant effect is not subtle. Our systems here "find the beat" and really let it loose. 

That said - the essence of the performance flows like never before - we get concussive bass - but presented in a very real and revealing manner. I could not agree more about the decay of the instruments - and the attack is equally stunning. I'm normally not all that eager to have at "the subjective" here - but I just want to say that I agree with you... (and then some :))...

The larger units have quickly become the darling - but our little guys are a great way for folks to get in on this too... Starting with The Front End one can quickly find our what Balanced Power can mean to their music and their system. 

A HUGE THANKS for taking the time to write this up as you have...

Genuinely appreciative...

Happy Holidays...


There is a very long story to told about The Power Plant (PS Audio) and my involvement at the outset of Paul's re-start of the company - and my contribution along with Doug Goldberg's. One day that story will be told here - but lets just say I understand the benefits of "regeneration" and how it works - and why it can work so well. 

Given that obtuse opener - let me just say that the Father of the PS Audio Multi-wave platform is in fact Doug Goldberg. This is the very same guy that has worked with me since 1990 and is the Father of Deep Core. 

kazuist - you actually hit the nail right on the head when you talk about Regeneration and Wave Form Manipulation (re Correction)... Our Deep Core product which is in final dev right now actually addresses this very phenomenon but we do so in an ingenious way that allows the connected Transformers to talk to each other in a more "perfect way" and allow for the very best and optimized environment to be used between your wall and your gear. I cannot say more or Doug will kill me... :)

The Deep Core will work perfectly with our EQUI=CORE products to produce the closest thing to a perfect environment for your equipment from an AC Power Source perspective. 

As it relates to Regenerated Power - we personally believe that anything over 200 or 300 watts done this way is probably not a good idea. Very inefficient and not a PLUS performance in our book when compared to Pure Balanced Power (technique). EQUI=CORE really works and will bring your amps (and system total) to a performance level you have not experienced. This is quite a statement - but it's truly the feedback we have and our own experience. The lower power units have proved they work super-well with low draw products (typically front ends) - and the larger ones work great with front ends as well as power amps.  

Happy Holidays...
