Has anyone in Mi.acheived holographic imaging?

I'm talking about a system that appears as though you could stand
behind the singers.I have been to several hi-end audio stores in metro Detroit and none of them even know it exist.
I saw this once at a guy's house in Bloomfied while tagging along with a friend.I'm not sure what type of budget you need to acheive this.(I've been trying 20 years off and on).
I would travel to "see" it at a home or store.My system is posted here on opinions please living room audio.
I respectfully disagree mainly because I have yet to meet a dealer or
Customer who has seen or even believed me when I try to explained
Holographic imaging.Fact is if I had not "seen" it I would still be listening
to Bose.lol
If that is true, Jfg, then true holography is even rarer than I thought. That level of advanced holography would require near absolute control of the forward sound waves and their reflections off the walls.

I met only one other person who has insisted that what you described was something he heard literally decades ago (and he insists he remembers and is also seeking to reproduce that phenomenon). I thought he was half-joking.

This near total control of propagating stereo sound waves to re-create not just the original event but also the illusion of ambient waves is very complex. It would require the melding of art and science.

You are therefore only the second Dr. Frankenstein The Audiophile that I have met.
Hi Cantgetnosat.My son half believes me now that my own system does
portray a pretty high level of 3d.He has been playing the bass since age 8(45yrs).He is one reason I persisted for so long to get to where I am now.
The guy was a Doctor and lived in Bloomfield Hills Mi.I had never seen
stereo equipment like his.Now looking back (20 yrs)I'm sure it was well over
100,000 grand.It was so real I felt like I might bump into one of the people
playing.I remember he was showing my friend how he has replaced some
of the wiring in some of the equipment.
I'ts way over my head but I sure would like to see it again.Please believe your friend.