Has anyone found Audio Nirvana?

Just want to know how many of you have found Audio Nirvana. Please list you equipment..
I've been at this for almost ten years now and I've probably listened to or owned just about every mainstream high end product out there. I'd have to say that my current system is as close to "Nirvana" as I've ever been. How do you know when you're there? When you're listening and your eyes are closed and you really believe she's there singing just for you and you can count her fillings, you're there! When your listening and the foot is tapping and you're just really enjoying the music, you're there! When your listening and finding yourself focusing in on whatever it it is that you want to...background vocals, the bass guitarist, the separation between instruments in a three dimensional plane, you're there. When you've got it really cranked and its been cranked for at least a half an hour and you find yourself still wanting to turn it up..you're there. And finally, when that special passage hits or a favorite part of a favorite song and you get goosebumps...you're there!!! And that's why we spend the crazy money that we do. After all, you can buy a Sub-Zero refrigerator for the price of a pair of cables..go figure.. so having said all that, my system is Genesis 350 speakers, conrad Johnson Premier 16LS pre-amp, VAC 30/30 (don't let their 30 watts fool you-and its worth putting the Western Electric 300B's in it), VPI Aries with JMW Memorial, Benz Mo9, and Audio Research PH3 SE, Sonic Frontiers SCT-1, Sonic Frontiers SFD2 Mark II, Assemblage Anti-Jitter/Upsampler. Speaker Cables and interconnect are all Harmonic Technology. Hey it does it for me. Isn't that all that really matters?
In ten years of building 3 systems, I reached the end of the line with each only after much trial and error. My first best included Celestion 700SLs in a 12x10 room, VTL 100monos, Kinergetics KCD40, XLO Type 5 speaker, and KCAG- This system defined imaging: I still remember (over 8 years ago) the experience of listening to Andreas Vollenvieder's "Behind the Cavern" and feeling like I was exploring the cave with him. Five years later, I finished putting together a system that was as revealing/transparent as any, including KEF107.2s, VTL 175monos, Nak1000MB transport, Altis Ref DAC, RefLine passive, Nirvana speaker, and KCAG in a 12x21 room. This system was as entralling to listen to as it was frustrating because transparency is truely a double-edged sword--when changing a cable "position" is audible, imagine what the quality of the power does to achieving consistent results. But listening to audiophile-approved recordings such as Patricia Barber or Janis Ian around Christmas when the power seems quietest could be transporting. Finally, 2 years and a lot of heartache later--a system without the usual audiophile gimmicks: same room now with Brentworth Type I speakers, RefLine Sig amp, RefLine passive, BowTech ZZ-One CDP, Nirvana speaker, KCAG. When I sitdown to listen with this system the relaxation is total, yet the music is never dull. With each system I thought I had reached audio nirvana--the difference is that this time I'm ready to end the quest and live with the music. Getting to the summit is possible, but being audiophiles I'm not sure we always appreciate it when we're there. I'm glad to share this with anyone who cares.
If by that you mean that when closing your eyes you are back at the jazz club you went to earlier in the evening, yes! And what makes the difference? Of course the speakers. Read the review of norwex B-2 Nisse in SoundStage! on the web: www.soundstage.com. Click on Audio. Also look us up at http://norwex.homepage.com. If interested contact Harald Aasland at our e-mail adress. I am the owner/designer.
Hi Demar; I've really enjoyed reading the above posts and can identify with much that has already been said. I admit to being an equipment junkie too. Seven to eight years ago, I was listening through mid-fi equipment. My first two pieces of actual high end equipment were Vandersteen 2Ce speakers and an Adcom 600 DAC, and they made a big improvement. Since then, my philosophy has been to "never go backwards" in this quest for audio ecstacy (although I have gone sideways occasionally)-- and it seems to have worked. I made my way through a lot of entry level and Stereophile class B and C equipment. But this year I've finally gotten it all together, and sometimes-- especially late at night, I feel I have reached audio nirvana. Diana Krall, Margo Timmins and the Cowboy Junkies, and my own compilation (CD-R) "Blues and Soul, Nice and Slow" can be beautiful to the point of magical. This spring I had a dedicated AC and ground system installed, and that touched off a bunch of additional up-grades, and yes I'll be in debt for awhile. So I now have Levinson ML 37 transport and 360S DAC, Sonic Frontiers Line 2 pre-amp, and McCormack DNA-2DX amp with Vandersteen 3A sig. speakers. ICs and speaker cables are Synergistic Research Phase two-- about mid-priced wire. Digital cables are Cardas Lightning, and I have Syn. Res. Master Couplers on amp and transport, but I'm also putting them on pre-amp and DAC this week (hope this won't be TOO much of a good thing). Happy Listening Everyone. Craig.
I have achieved Audio Nirvana, (in fact this is my user name on another site). All my friends... audiophiles and non audiophiles agree. We sit spellbound over the awesome imaging and detail in the system. Most would think it a complete fluke. But there is a lot of system synergy. I have a Wadia 860 with audio quest lapis cable, running into Bryston 4b amps powering a set of Infinity RS1 speakers which are flanked by a pair of Entec sw-1 subwoofers. Everyone swears there is a band playing in my room. Even neighbors have come downstairs to ask where I play music because they are convinced it is real. Funny how that works as the Infinity RS1-s are too bright and the Wadia 860 has been refered to as rolled off. The Brystons are a little bright, but my crappy Monster cable dulls that. The Infinitys don't go super low, but the Entecs do and because the entecs pair crosses over at 100hz the 12 8" infinity midbass woofers only have to operate over an octave or so and don't get beamy as a result my off axis response is amazing. Massive massive sweet spot. Sounds better than $250K + systems I have heard. With the 1000 watts of Bryston amplification and 500 watts of the self powered Entecs with 6 ten inch servo controlled woofers I hit realistic live levels. Analog is better than Digital, but the Wadia makes digital real. Don't get jealous yet though. I have had to move out of that place and now have no place for my enormous speakers and now have nothing to listen to. Should have bought a great set of headphones. I''m selling the speakers in this forum .......sigh....... at least I reached it .... don't stop searching for it because it was great while it lasted.