Has anyone found Audio Nirvana?

Just want to know how many of you have found Audio Nirvana. Please list you equipment..
What a great question.I have wondered the same and can relate to the previous response about the "equipment junkie" inside myself. There is alot of great equipment out there and I have sold equipment I wish I could get back. There are nights where I have met Audio Nirvana but for some reason it goes away the next time I listen, which is probably all psychological. To me one of the great things about the hobby is hearing the different equipment offered. Also what might be one persons Nirvana won't move another. It comes down to personal taste for you and the synergy that each component in the chain does for each other. I am waiting for the day when Nirvana hits and stays. I have tried many different amps from tubes to solid state/Speakers: cone drivers,ribbons,electrostats and many different cables and cd players and have to say there is alot of great stuff out there that have different strengths. It comes down to personal taste. Sorry for the rambling but I know on the whole I am having a great time in search of Nirvana. Thanks to the internet also for it has opened our world to realistic prices to demo the equipment out there without losing a fortune. Enjoy!
Not yet, but getting closer. My equipment... a frosty beverage and my Legacy Focus.
AS GOOD AS IT GETS!!!! Multi fold improvement when I added Avantgarde speakers to BAT, VK-60 amp, VK-50SE pre, Sony super CD player and dCS Delius D/A. Nordost top of the line cables. Result is music that is ALIVE with smooth ultra detail. I'm in process of up-grading power cords, possibly the new Black Mamba. Check out the Avantgarde, even their smallest eclipses speakers 4 times the price. Happy hunting.
Nirvana is not the equipment but the music we play on it. Remember when you wanted a 15 transistor radio to hear your favorites with the earplug in at night. Were those really early Grado earphones? Have fun !!!!!
No but.........Magnaplanar 2.7s, AVA Super Pas 4i, Quicksilver KT-88 Monos and a Sony XA777ES is a my vehicle of current choice. Won't play real loud but paired up with some good Jazz and the journey is pretty pleasurable. I agree that the vehicle isn't so much the equipment but if you enjoy the ride.