Harbeth Speakers

I am downsizing my system from Audio Physic Virgos to Harbeth mini-monitors Could an enlightened audiophile please tell me the difference between the P3ESRand th eolder HL-P3ES-2? In the same breath, would driviing the speakers with CJ MV55 and 17LS be overkill? I have a Linn Classik. I expect the latter would do the job nicely.
Per Alan Shaw:

Harbeth speakers will work with any normal grade, audiophile or regular grade amplifier that is performing within its original specification. They will work better with a really good amp, but they will work well with even a modest hi-fi receiver-amplifier. Remember - amplifiers like people age, if it breaks-down it could damage the speakers.

Harbeths present an easy electrical load to their driving amplifiers. They are deliberately designed to be so. There are tens of thousands of Harbeth speakers in use around the world and we do not have enough knowledge or staff to handle inevitable questions such as 'will Harbeths work with XYZ amplifier?'. So, we have always made absolutely certain at the design stage that Harbeths will work will any credible amplifier. You do not need to ask this question, because the answer is, if the amp is working properly, that yes, it will work with your Harbeths. More on amplifier selection here.

This question (or as I say, non-question) about speaker-amp matching does arise from time to time. I try to explain our position; here again is a summary.

Harbeth speakers do not need big amplifiers. Generally speaking, 25W per channel is a sensible minimum across the range. That will get you going but 25W won't produce the maximum loudness that a Harbeth is capable of: for that you'll need a bigger amp. If you play soft, late at night or you don't want to annoy your neighbours then a few watts will be enough power. What if you have a really powerful amplifier? A bigger amp, like a bigger car engine, will give you a power reserve which you may or may not ever need depending on your music listening habits. Obviously, if your children take control of your hi-fi then a more powerful amplifier could/may/will do more damage just as a powerful car driven too fast can/may/will. In brief: use whatever power you have responsibly.

Harbeth speakers will work with any type of amp: solid state (transistor, MOSFET) amps, digital amps or tube (valve) amps.
No matter what Alan Shaw says, Harbeth's love high power and current. I love his speakers but found his advice on 25 plus watts to be a waste of time and money. He has everyone on the hug eating out of his hand. Don't go there. Find out for yourself. Remember, he sells speakers. If he told everyone his speakers sounded best with a 200 watt amp, a lot of people would be turned off. His largest following is in Asia where Leben, Luxman and Accuphase are prevalent. He can't stir the waters there. You'll want the power if you move up the line, regardless of music preference and listening levels.
I agree with Donjr's comments in regard to Harbeth/HUG. Harbeth designs wonderful speakers. I am a proud owner the P3esr's and the new the 30.1''s and I am thrilled with their performance. Unfortunately for me ,I found the HUG site and Harbeth's designer to be mean spirited, petty and condescending to anyone who does not fall in line with the Harbeth designers believes and enormous ego . Politely disagree with or question the Harbeth designers mantra and be prepared to spoken down too , reprimanded , edited , moderated, chastised by the "Great " designer himself and bullied and mocked by the dozen or so regular posters who literally worship the ground the designer walks on. In a recent post ,the designer expressed surprise that HUG had many readers but far fewer posters their contributing opinions. ???? The designer regularly mocks and questions the integrity of audio reviewers on HUG , but does not hesitate to post their positive reviews on the Harbeth website to help promote his product .
I agree with Donjr's comments in regard to Harbeth/HUG. Harbeth designs wonderful speakers. I am a proud owner the P3esr's and the new the 30.1''s and I am thrilled with their performance. Unfortunately for me ,I found the HUG site and Harbeth's designer to be mean spirited, petty and condescending to anyone who does not fall in line with the Harbeth designers believes and enormous ego . Politely disagree with or question the Harbeth designers mantra and be prepared to spoken down too , reprimanded , edited , moderated, chastised by the "Great " designer himself and bullied and mocked by the dozen or so regular posters who literally worship the ground the designer walks on. In a recent post ,the designer expressed surprise that HUG had many readers but far fewer posters their contributing opinions. ???? The designer regularly mocks and questions the integrity of audio reviewers on HUG , but does not hesitate to post their positive reviews on the Harbeth website to help promote his product .