Hansen Emperor or MBL 101E or Avalon Isis

I have heard these three speakers, but in differents systems, MBL 101E always with MBL electronics, Hansen with CAT electronics and Avalon with spectral electronics, all sounds very well, but which one do you prefers if you have heard them?
MBL 101 , for me, has a problem, you need a lot of power, Avalon sometimes goes to the thin side(sometimes I will wish to be more organic.
Thanks for your opinion
I think that are differents speakers, the Isis need a lot of power and better tubes as CAT, VAC than SS, except for FM acoustics, Vitus, Soulution, Boulder.The system became EXPENSIVE.
MBL needs a lot of power but as is more organic can work with more SS amplifiers.ALSO a very EXPENSIVE system, because the amplifiers tsill are more powerful than for the ISIS.
Pioneer and Hansen are more easy to drive, you need less power, and you can use both tubes and SS, smallers amplifiers, these speakers let you to have a less expensive system, you can change more often the electronics..

If you don´t like what you says as "thin sound " better to use Pioneer, MBL and a little less Hansen.I´m not saying that ISIS don´t have a excellent sound, I owned one Eidolon and I have a great memory of them, for me I can close the eyes and be happy with any of these four speakers, but the cost of electronics is very important for me to feel free to change them.

thanks for your insight into the omnis like the MBL. I was really dying to buy MBL's as I love the sound, but being in a small apartment where the speakers have to sit no more than 24" from the back wall, I had my doubts.

You confirmed for me it was right for me not to go this direction. I am now thinking of the Polymer Logic with the diamond midrange, but it seems that speaker needs to be 10-12 feet from the listening position, which I may not have the room for either.

How far should be placed the MBL 101E from the boundaries? Boundaries are for you rear wall or also real and side walls?

Hello Emigene,

For the sidewall, a distance of two meters (6.5 feet) would be nice but is not necessary if you treat the first sidewall reflection area. I prefer diffusion instead of absorption, but if your room is too bright then use absorption.

For the wall behind the speakers, I would like about the same distance, two meters or 6.5 feet. Even more would be better, if it is practical. This distance is more important than the sidewall distance, as it affects clarity more and also depth of soundstage more. You may want to use diffusion in the reflection zone even if you have sufficient distance.

This is my opinion based on owning wide-pattern fullrange electrostats and designing bipolar speakers, but I have not owned an omnidirectional speaker. Still, I think the MBLs will work fine as long as you can get the speakers out in front of the wall by about 2 meters or more. I would not worry as much about the sidewall distance - just treat the wall if you have to.

Best of luck to you,

What speaker line are you a dealer for that is competetive with the mbl?