
I have been auditoning hi end speakers for the past year and cannot make a choice.Spending around 5 to 6 grand on 2 speakers is something i don't want to regret!I am aware that it is mostly personal prefernce,but can not make up my mind.What i am looking for is some people that have listened or owned a few of these and can make some quality suggestions that can help me decide.I hate those "kid like" talk groups that a few people ruin it for everyone.Here is my system and prefernces:Proceed avp processor,2 high end monoblocks,hi fi vcr,dvd,classe tuner.My room is 25'x30' so i need a speaker that can fill it and play loud.I live to feel the music(GOOD BASS)as well as enjoy clarity of the highs.I play all types of music,and play it loud.If i watch a dvd,i want to feel like it's real!I am considering a 2nd set of mains for surrounds if needed.Center is not picked yet,as i would like to find the mains first.I have a paradigm servo-15 sub.This is a very hard choice to make,as there is so many hi end speakers out there.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks in advance,Ken P.S.sorry for any misspelling!
I really don't think you can go wrong with a pair of the Legacys. Check out their wewsite and call them. You can try them at your home on your equipment and if you don't like them, return them. You will not be disappointed! E-mail me if you wish for specific discussion at: pbhs_st_lk@noeca.ohio.gov Larry
Ken, I compared Dunlavy to Hales and I thought the Dunlavys were much better, I also preffer them to the Dynaudio stuff. I bought a used set of SCIVs for 2700.00 and have been very happy with them. I however have not heard the Legacy line of speakers. I think the excellent reviews that the Dunlavys always seem to receive says a lot for them. In many cases the reviewers actually purchase the speakers they are reviewing. Good luck
I'm going through the exact same thing you are. I have a list of about 7 to 10 speakers and the legacy's Hales, and Dunlavys are all on my short list. I heard the Dunlavy 4A's and was floored. It seems they have taken the best of dynamic speaker design and perfected it. It put my Nestorvics to shame. I wasn't as much impressed with the Hales 5 or the Dunlavy Athena. I'm intrigued by the Transcedance 8 and would like to audition these speakers. My advise: hear the 4A's and if you like them, don't despair over the price. You can always pick-up a pair used for the price range you are looking for. Would appreciate it if you E-Mail me to let me know how you made out (Rhoogasi@rcn.com). Good luck. were both good.
After months of listening and asking similar questions, I decided to forget what other people said and just listen to the my music. I used 5 CD's from my collection that I had heard many times. I finally purchased the ProAc 2.5 Speakers and love them. They sound good to my ears on all types of music both loud and soft. I am using a Meridian 508.20 and the Jeff Rowland Concentra Integrated amplifer with ProAc 2.5. Good luck.
i recently underwent the exercise/agony you're going through. after auditioning the dunlavy, b&w, wilson and about 5 other lines, i was stunned with the performance of the dunlavys. the sc IVA's and V's are incredible! listen to as many speakers as you can, and if you like the dunlavys, get in contact with brian at hellohifi and see if he has a demo pair for you. good luck!