Guilty pleasure music?

How about this for a thread -- name some of your guilty pleasures musically. What albums/CDs/tapes do you dig out of their hiding places and put on when nobody's looking? What do you like that you'd hate to admit to the Keepers of the Cool? I'll start with ... Stand Up by David Lee Roth. Okay, the guy's a jerk and has about a 4-note range. But this song, along with "Just Like Living in Paradise," really kicks. Steve Vai casually tosses off guitar leads that smoke, the drumming is punchy and the bass packs a nice whomp. Just the thing to blare through a pair of headphones as you get your workout in high gear. So, who's next? Anybody wanna fess up to liking Alice Cooper? Bad Company? Early Chicago?
I kinda feel like a dweeb when I listen to them sometimes, but RUSH was one of my favorite groups when I was a teenager. They became kind of a synth-rock let-down, but some of their early stuff, especially 'Fly by Night' still has a raw edge that I really like now and again!
Some great choices, I actually listen to Black Flag, Circle Jerks, TSOL, Poison 13, Gun Club, Big Boys, The Vandals, Agent Orange, etc. Thru a pair of Magnapans, wouldn't that make some people cringe. I wouldn't consider any of them guilty pleasures, mine would be Bread (yeah, that's right) The Carpenters, Burt Bacharach, Andy Williams, Dan Fogelberg, and the one I can only listen to when the wife is out of the house--Type O Negative. And You're right Carl, Def Leppard is a GREAT band.
Thank you, Dsod! The only valid criticism I've ever seen is that they've succombed to commercialism a little overmuch. But, they love music more than I do, and love playing it live more than any other rock band, except maybe The Stones, or most especially The Dead. Anyway, that's how highly I think of the Sheffield boys.
Yes, more and more often i prefere: SILENCE! And don't... feel guilty about it.