Gryphon Antileon vs Antileon Signature

I would like to know if the new Signature version of the Antileon is really better (sound quality) thant the previous one. How are there comparing ?
It's easy to find an used Antileon for a fair price, but Signature ones are a lot more expensive (because they are newer).
And do those amplifiers have a good fiability ? A 7 or 8 years old amp is a good choice or the risk of technical problem is very high (I know they are gettong very hot, so it stresses the electronics components a lot) ?
Thanks for your advices.

I am running a pair of anteleon monoblocks with Martin Logan Prodigys. I haven't EVER needed to switch to more than 50% of the available power. And believe me, the sound is huge. They can go very loud without any more power.

Sure, they turn hot, but not as much as one could think. Mainly because of those big difussors.
Hi Mavilla,
do you Antileon monos or Antileon mono Signature ?
How old are your amps ?