Great rock songs

I wanted, originally to add this to another thread (Lyrics), but decided that it just didn't feel right. To get the full meaning of this song, you have to listen to it being sung with the emotion and intensity that the performance provides. This is(in my opinion) one of the true greatest contemporary rock songs. I only wish there was a better recording available, (I listen to the import vinyl).
Thanks for your reply. Your experience is what the world of rock depends on and is all about!!!
Sorry to keep replying "to myself", but every time I hear this song, I go into a state of "Whow!, then I can't get the tune out of my head for days!
Interstate Love Song, STP.

Turn on Me,also Phantom Limb, the Shins.

Still Rainin still dreamin, Jimi

and just4thehelluvit: two fat feet, fiery furnaces
I don't know that I'd think of Radiohead as a rock band. More indie or alternative. I guess it has all the elements of a rock band though. I do like 'The Bends' .... Love this line:

He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins

They've done some great songs. I also really like their videos (available as a collection on DVD). There's one in particular that always sticks in my mind as a classic...yet's it's so simple.