Granite under your amp???

I have had speakers with the option for granite bases, has anyone used a slab of granite under their amp, even while on a good stereo rack? If so, any changes?
Tim-When I had my audio crisis a couple of days ago I was considering taking a ride over the falls.David+99
I was able to get a couple of 15x24x1 polished scraps of marble from a local tile and counter shop for my amps. They had a pile of scraps from jobs and let me have them for free. All I had to do was clean them up.
OK, different audiophiles say that a hard surface, like granite under the amp makes it sound better and other audiophiles say that if you isolate it on a air suspension device that it sounds better. So, which is it? And how could both be better with such different approaches?
I think that there can be MAJOR differences with various tweaks such as those that are weight, isolation, coupling, damping, etc... based depending on the type of flooring that one is on. Someone on a hard concrete slab will have VERY different results using the same tweaks as someone with their gear on a suspended floor i.e. over a basement or crawlspace. The results from one suspended floor to another suspended floor will even vary as they may have different levels of support / flexing taking place. Sean
I use granite under my speakers primarily to protect the hardwood floor. Results have be outstanding.

For what it's worth, I think granite would serve as a better base than marble - if you look closely at a slab of marble, in most cases it's held together with some kind of fabric. Marble is full of fissures and the cloth stuff keeps it from falling apart!!

If you are looking for something that is structurally sound, go with granite over marble - however the really pretty granite with buzillions of colors can be almost as fragile as marble. The "absolute black" granite seemed to be the strongest.