Gradient 1.4 Speakers

Has anyone listened to the new Gradient 1.4 speakers from Finland?  Thoughts?
I own the 1.5 gradient for many years, still in my main system .great speaker , In my opinion, open , no sweet spot, it makes you think about conventional box speaker design.
who even sells these in the United States? I am curious, but cannot even find a price.
I would love to hear them myself! No US dealer unfortunately. I have talked with Gradient though not too long ago, they will ship to the USA though, and will give a favorable price, although none of it is cheap of course! It seems to me the pricing for the 1.4 was around $6800 or so awhile ago, factoring in conversion, not sure on shipping.

Obviously don’t quote me on that again, as it has been several months back. The folks there at Gradient are super nice, was pleased with the communication with them at the time. Hopefully at some point, Gradient will get a dealer/distribution here!