Good speakers in the sub-$1K range

I have a corporate apartment that I use during the week, and I've brought up some spare equipment that I wasn't using at home anymore. I have a Pioneer PD65/Lafayette tube pre/Eico HF89 Tube (50W Ultralinear)/Kimber Kable. Right now, I have a pair of B&W 2002's, and they just don't compare to what I'm used to at home (Mirage M5si's/Adcom 555II). I've searched the net, and seen what I think are some good speakers at reasonable prices, ie, Monitor Audio 702's for $750, pair of Spica TC-60's at $450, pair of Linn Nexus for somewhere in the $500 range (I think), and I noticed a pair of Snell C's for $750 on the auction list of this page. I mostly listen to classical and Jazz, but I do throw Jane's Addiction in there on occation. Any advice?
Hello. If you haven't already found speakers you should try the small Totem Model 1's retail $1595 which I can sell for around $1100. You can also look at the Micromega Minium MS-1's , I am not sure of the US retail but they are $795cnd and they sound great. Similar to the small ProAc's , I can sell those for $450US.
I spent the last 3 weeks listening to speakers in the same price class, (mine was Canadian so it would be lower for you.) After numerous direct comparisons I settled on JMLabs Mégane Carats. They were recently discontinued and the price to quality ratio is fabulous. They are extremely effecient on most set-ups and have a fine open soundstage that is perfect for Jazz and classics, especially acoustic jazz. Of course if you can afford the replacement model it would probably be better, (sorry but I can't remember the model number). All in all I find them excellent for most musical tastes and amply powerful to fill a medium sized apartment with clear, rich and detailed sound. They are smallish two way speakers so don't expect super bass extension. However they compared more than favorably to B&W, AR, Audio Monitor, and Sonus Faber models in the same class and price range. >> 
Please- If you haven't already purchased your speakers- do yourself a favour and listen to the Dynaudio Audience 50's. In the sub 1K range they are simply the best I've heard.
if it were me and i was looking for a nice sounding pair of speakers to set up in a place i was spending my working week at....i would call Madisound......and order a pair of dynaudio 17w75's..a pair of d28 tweeters......and a premade box.......then i would call joel at meniscus and have him whip up a nice custom crossover for you......have it next day aired to the apartment..stop at the hardware store and get a phipps screwdriver and some screws.........order a pizza and a bottle of wine delivered to the house and it about an hour..and 400 bucks later you will have not only an awesome set of will have a great story to tell all your friends*l*
It may not be as practicle as a book shelf, but the Vandersteen 1c at $700 is a great match with wintage tube systems, we have used these with Jolida, Dyna Model 70 and other low output tubes, and pure music. Not the last word in detail and bass, but overall does most things just right. I see these used for 400-500 on the internet. Good Luck!