Good speakers in the sub-$1K range

I have a corporate apartment that I use during the week, and I've brought up some spare equipment that I wasn't using at home anymore. I have a Pioneer PD65/Lafayette tube pre/Eico HF89 Tube (50W Ultralinear)/Kimber Kable. Right now, I have a pair of B&W 2002's, and they just don't compare to what I'm used to at home (Mirage M5si's/Adcom 555II). I've searched the net, and seen what I think are some good speakers at reasonable prices, ie, Monitor Audio 702's for $750, pair of Spica TC-60's at $450, pair of Linn Nexus for somewhere in the $500 range (I think), and I noticed a pair of Snell C's for $750 on the auction list of this page. I mostly listen to classical and Jazz, but I do throw Jane's Addiction in there on occation. Any advice?
<< I have a corporate apartment that I use during the week, and I've brought up some spare equipment that I wasn't using at home anymore. I have a Pioneer PD65/Lafayette tube pre/Eico HF89 Tube (50W Ultralinear)/Kimber Kable. Right now, I have a pair of B&W 2002's, and they just don't compare to what I'm used to at home (Mirage M5si's/Adcom 555II). I've searched the net, and seen what I think are some good speakers at reasonable prices, ie, Monitor Audio 702's for $750, pair of Spica TC-60's at $450, pair of Linn Nexus for somewhere in the $500 range (I think), and I noticed a pair of Snell C's for $750 on the auction list of this page. I mostly listen to classical and Jazz, but I do throw Jane's Addiction in there on occation. Any advice? >>  Try a pair of AR H312,310,308, which can be mail ordered for 669, 459, and 336/pair. Find some place and listen to them, their efficient and in my opinion real bargains/ not too sweet, and not offensive, they just might do the trick. Loontoon
Hello. If you haven't already found speakers you should try the small Totem Model 1's retail $1595 which I can sell for around $1100. You can also look at the Micromega Minium MS-1's , I am not sure of the US retail but they are $795cnd and they sound great. Similar to the small ProAc's , I can sell those for $450US.
I spent the last 3 weeks listening to speakers in the same price class, (mine was Canadian so it would be lower for you.) After numerous direct comparisons I settled on JMLabs Mégane Carats. They were recently discontinued and the price to quality ratio is fabulous. They are extremely effecient on most set-ups and have a fine open soundstage that is perfect for Jazz and classics, especially acoustic jazz. Of course if you can afford the replacement model it would probably be better, (sorry but I can't remember the model number). All in all I find them excellent for most musical tastes and amply powerful to fill a medium sized apartment with clear, rich and detailed sound. They are smallish two way speakers so don't expect super bass extension. However they compared more than favorably to B&W, AR, Audio Monitor, and Sonus Faber models in the same class and price range. >> 
Please- If you haven't already purchased your speakers- do yourself a favour and listen to the Dynaudio Audience 50's. In the sub 1K range they are simply the best I've heard.
if it were me and i was looking for a nice sounding pair of speakers to set up in a place i was spending my working week at....i would call Madisound......and order a pair of dynaudio 17w75's..a pair of d28 tweeters......and a premade box.......then i would call joel at meniscus and have him whip up a nice custom crossover for you......have it next day aired to the apartment..stop at the hardware store and get a phipps screwdriver and some screws.........order a pizza and a bottle of wine delivered to the house and it about an hour..and 400 bucks later you will have not only an awesome set of will have a great story to tell all your friends*l*