Good cheap silver wire?

Is there such a thing? I am looking for some good silver interconnects and speaker wire. Let me know your experiences.
Does bigsur use silver wire in his computer? For his Internet connection? Does his TV cable company use silver wire? Does the phone company? Is there one inch of silver wire in a Stealth bomber? How about the space shuttle? The answer: NO! Does bigsur need to waste his money on silver interconnects? The answer: NO, only if his EGO needs it!
I suppose if you're happy with the current sound of MP3 music coming out of computer speakers, then silver wire would seem like a waste of money. BUT, silver cables sound different than copper cables. It's as simple as that. If it sounds better to someone in their system, then why complaign?
There is no silver cable that gives more for your money than the Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway. Acctually all the money in the world can't get you a better cable. It's the absolutely best I have tried.
Signature Technologies in Milwaukee makes a superb silver interconnect called Sig-Lynx. $100 for .5 meter, $125 for 1 meter. They are not listed on the WWW site (yet?), but call and talk to the maker/owner (Brian). He will cut a deal if you buy 2 sets. He also offers $$$ back guarantee. He also makes tube electronics that have been well reviewed in national mags. A straightshooter!
Michael Percy has Silver Solid Core 16ga for $ 4.95. Good product... Teflon insulation. Comes in multiple gauges.