Good amp pairing for Zu Dirty Weekend?

I purchased Zu Dirty Weekends a couple of months ago and I’m considering some alternate amplification. I’m currently using a Peachtree Nova 65 SE. I listen primarily to digital music via Tidal. I’d love to try something from Pass Labs or First Watt to experience some of that Nelson Pass goodness but that’s unfortunately out of my price range (looking to spend no more that 2k dollars). 

I came across this DIY kit from Amp Camp which is a Nelson Pass design. It looks like a fun project and I could continue using my Peachtree as a preamp.

I’ve also read about Decware as a good pairing. Entering the tube amplification world is also interesting to me.

Are there any other Dirty Weekend owners out there that have found an amp pairing they really enjoy given my budget?

Thanks very much for any advice. 

Congrats on the new Amp rjpwp001 

I've got some Omen DW's and a slew of amps including the Amp Camp.  It's a pretty good pairing.  It doesn't have the magic of tubes, but it's a very competent amp and great for the price.  Let us know how you like it.
To close out this thread for now I did get the Amp Camp but I ended up having problems getting it to function properly. I need to have someone who really knows electronics to look at it. However I did end up selling my Peachtree Audio Nova SE65 for an Outlaw Audio 2160. I’ve always been curious about it with all the rave reviews. I will say this: it’s a much better pairing with the Zu Omens. It just sounds more fleshed out and the bass has much more weight. So far I’m really pleased with it. Maybe it’s that it’s class AB. Maybe it’s just Outlaw working some magic. But I can concur with the reviewers that’s it’s a tremendous value in a simple package. I’ll be satisfied for a while. 
I'm looking to get a pair of Dirty Weekends during their next production run, orders available in November.  I'm *hoping* to also get an Omen Center Channel, all three speakers will be driven by an Aegir in balanced mono.
I can't imagine the DW's will ever get even close to running out of the class A bias region running in mono.