Gon bonkers with def tech...help..

Currently using these for a 70/30 ht/music set up. 7004 towers, 2 sets of bps 2x for surrounds, 2300 clr center and super cube II. I have received some great info on the gon re speaker adjust, bass mgtmnt, sound staging etc. Since my initial set up and not knowing much, i have used the info and noticed great improvement in overall dynamics and sound quality.

Here is my question. I have noticed that, well, many Goners consider these more like a double cheese burger at mcdonalds than a steak at Mortons. NOW, its starting to get in my head. Am i missing out big time with these speakers? Did my local audio guy totally point me in the wrong direction?? Is it their design that Goners dont like or just the sound in general? I did spend $4200 for this set up, not alot of $$ to most but alot to me, so i mean they cant be that bad right? Any insight would be greatly appreciated
I use the top line BP 7000's in 2 channel. I'm still grappling with them to see if they will ultimately be to my liking for music. But you did fine for HT with a little music. Def Techs are big bang for your buck speakers.
OK, I'm late, but I would like to chime in. I just sold my old system, because I didn't have the space to enjoy it: Maggie 3.6R's, Innersound Amp, Anthem Surround Pre McIntosh 2 channel pre, Velodyne DD12 sub, modified reference disk player, and for a short time, a Clearaudio Solution turntable. I replaced with a Denon reciever and Def Tech 7004's with a 2500 CLR center. Since all have a powered sub, I didn't get a sub, and didn't need alot of power out of my front end, which is now a Denon reciever. Did the old system sound better? Without question. Did it sound 600% better (cost difference)? No. Moving up in audio, I have learned, is about the marginal changes, not really about quantum leaps.

I really have loved the Def Techs. I am actually a little surprised. I am impressed enough, that I will prob have my Denon modified, and buy a seperate power amp to see if I can get a little more out of them.

Enjoy, they are a very nice, complete speaker, with a great lower end, and an excellent soundstage.

When i first finished my room and set up, i was running everything from my Yamaha. I was pleased or so i thought. Then I found the Gon and puchased an Adcom 7607 7ch amp and some Taralab interconnects(hey, for $90 i think they sound great for now. Yamaha has good bass mgt system so i set bass out to the mains and sub(def tech super cube II) and crossed over at 90. HUGE, HUGO difference...Soundstaging is dramatically better. I know the Yamaha as a pre/pro isnt even low end for most Goners but I can honestly say there are no changes coming down the pipe for quite some time. This was a case where upgrading intelligently( Adcom $675 on the gon)actually gave me a great, great, great, return on my investment

Thanks for the response, I am pleased to see that someone else actually owns and enjoys these speakers.