Goertz MI2 and amp oscillation

I am auditioning some MI2 Veracity's and they sound fantastic, but I have read some mentions of amp oscillation with these cables due to the high capacitance. I am using an Electrocompaniet AW60 paired with some Sonus Faber Concertino Home's. How do I determine if my amp is stable enough for these cables, or what are the signs of problems?
Mark, The signes of problems would be overheating and continuous shut off from your amp.However you can eliminate the oscillation by placing RC match link across the binding post on both speakers.It will not effect the sound quality.You can order it from Alpha Core free of charge.I hope this helps.
If your amp is of a wide-bandwidth design, it would probably be wise to use zobel networks with these cables. Keep in mind that an amp can become "partially unstable" and not go into continual oscillation. Severe cases will manifest themselves as an extreme amount of heat build-up, the smell of smoldering electronics, protection circuitry kicking in, etc... Then again, most wide bandwidth amps don't use protection circuitry due to the negative sonic impact that go along with such circuitry. Sean
Thsnks your all of your responses. My amp is running as cool as ever. I talked to Alpha Core and they said that problems occur on about 1% of amps. They assured me that they have never seen any problems with Electocompaniet. But I think I will get the Zobel's just for piece of mind.
I have just ordered MI3 to try. I have a McCormack DNA-2DLX amp and Thiel 6s. Should I anticipate any problem with oscillation?

Any thoughts as to if this is a good match?

Thanks for feedback.
I am not that familiar with McCormack products although i have a lot of respect for what i've seen in terms of design.

As to the MI-3's, these sound different to me than the MI-2's. You will have to try them in your system and see if you like them. Personally, i like the MI-2's a little better. The 3's are a little more bottom heavy to me, which does not compliment my already "weighty" sounding speakers. However, given that you are running Thiel's, which many find to be somewhat bright, this might work perfectly for you. Either way, if you don't like the 3's, give the 2's a try. If you don't like the 3's nor the 2's, you don't like Goertz products then. : )

Good luck and i hope they work well for you : ) Sean