I am looking to get a pair of genesis IM 8300 has anyone heard these speakers if so what were there good and bad points?
Yes, it is a good speaker. I own a pair for a second system. I disagree with the comment about shrillness; if anything, I find it's treble balance a bit soft. HP in TAS referred to the ribbon tweeter in the IM8300 as second only to the Maggie ribbons. I find it very smooth and if anything a little on the "sweet" side; IMO, good solid state is the ticket. With my Manley 200's, the sound is a little too soft. I find it images well, although not a particularly large soundstage. Very nice midrange. It's main deficiency IMO, is in bass extension; adequate, but not very deep for a speaker this size. A word of caution: inspect very carefully the woofer surrounds. Mine have deteriorated and will need replacement. Gently rub your finger along the surround, and if little rubberry "flakes" come off, they are on their way out.

Good luck.
Yes, very good.

Excellent in fact. I have had my paid for about 4 years. I also thought that the bass response was not very good in the very low frequencies. That changed once I connected a tube preamp instead of a solid state and later on a passive 'preamp'. The tube pre (Dared SL-2000A) REALLY made the difference in the bass response. So much so that I blew the surrounds off one of the woofers during the first two hours of listening!

Until I got this preamp I was considering changing the speakers, now I think I'll hold on to them for as long as there are spare parts. (I also have to replace a midrange dome that I damaged during the last relocation).

The design and the choice of components (especially that freaky circumference driven, suspensionless midrange titanum dome) is truly ahead of its time.

If you can find a pair for sale, buy it. (no I am not selling mine ;-) )
could you tell me the exact model of the genesisĀ IM-8300 fuse holder?