Genesis APM-1 Plate Amp Repair or Replacement

My second plate amp died, rendering my speaker system usless.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can save these wonderful, useless speakers? PLEASE!!!

try to get Rick Cullens email adress for asking him about a Genesis G500 amplifier repair. Could somebody help?
Kind regards,
Andreas, Germany
Hi there,

is here someone who has the service manual for the Genesis APM-1 speaker?

Best Regards from Germany
Over the years I had several failings with the plate amps on my genesis apm1. Absence of circuit diagram made it difficult to repair. Replacement amps from takeover manufacturer seem pricey for older speakers. Steve Harms ( was able to fix my recently failed amp. cHECK HIS SERVICE OUT AT 970 224-4128

Both my bass amps failed on my APM-1’s.


My tech in Sydney Australia was able source parts and re-manufacture the failed boards of the factory amps.

Ive now had mine running for almost 6 months with absolutely zero issues. Cost will be approx AUD$1000 p/amp.

Far less expensive than available alternatives.



