Genesis APM-1 or Thiel CS-7 speakers

Hi, I'm trying to decide between these two speakers and would like any input. My system consist of McCormack TLC-1 Deluxe preamp,McCormack DNA-2 amp, MIT 330 plus series 2 interconects (rca) and MIT MH-750 CVT Terminator series 2 speaker cables. Thank You. Don
I have not heard the genesis speakers. I currently own a pair of 2.3's. Best money I've ever spent. System: Pass Labs x-1 Pass Labs x-150 Sony SCD-1
Thank You to all that replied. I purchased the Genesis APM-1 speakers and I'm very happy with there performance & highly recomend Underwoodwally which I purchased mine from he is truly first class, honest & a man of his word. Don.
Great choice Don.I too own the APM1's they will sound great after setup and about 400 hours of burn in.Be patient and you will be rewarded as these are truly terrific speakers. Would love to know how they sound with your McCormack amp as I am thinking of replacing my Classe amp with one.Tony