Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...


Just toying with the idea of owning some Gallo Ref 3.1s...


The sub amp is described by some as mandatory, while others describe the speakers as bass rich even without it. Shall I merely infer from this that those who think it mandatory are big ol' bass fiends? Certainly with a 10" driver, I can't imagine it sounding at all anemic.

If a sub amp really is neccessary, does it HAVE to be the Gallo? Couldn't I just use any old amp to run the woofs? Not for nothing, but they need to have their speaker designers take 10 minutes off and help the amp dudes come up with a nicer looking amp. It looks like a DIY kit.

What would be smokin IMO, looks wise, is a Jeff Rowland Concerto integrated running the speakers and a pair of 201s running the subs.

Next Q... I have a tiny joint. Actually I stopped smoking. I have a small apartment. If I placed the Gallos in the hallowed 1.5 foot squares of floorspace I have allocated for speakers, with woofers facing each other, the left one would be inches away from my TV/audio stand, woofer pointing at the rack. The stand is open sided, not solid sided, but I wonder if this could pose a problem.

If I set them up with woofers facing away from each other, the right one would point into my kitchen area, but the left one would face a window about 2-3 ft away, with a big fat AC in it. In the summer the AC runs quite a bit.

OTOH, reviews seem to indicate that the staging on these is very wide (but short, I know), so I wonder just how critical placement is anyway.

Any insights?


Danmyers, what amp are you using? I was using an early generation Adcom 555 for about a year with my 3.1s, and thought there a veiling to the mids, almost like someone placing a piece of paper over the cones. I upgraded to a Music Reference RM-200, and the mids came alive, and were much more transparent than with the Adcom. In addition, it became tonally more neutral - I think the Adcom added some glare as well. The lesson, I think, is that the 3.1 is very revealing of the upstream components.
Thanks Bean and James for your suggestions.

I forgot to mention that my amp is a Musical Fidelity NuVista 300, fed by a MF AC3R pre-amp with source coming from a Wright modded Sony SCD CE775 for SACD and a MF 3D for redbook. Cables by Kimber. I'll just say that this kit is sufficiently resolving that I can't stand to listen to rock CDs recorded in the 70s and leave it at that :) Now, that was with the KEFs and I haven't tried listening to the oldies with the Gallos... yet!

I think these speakers are:
- not yet broken in
- have a very different midrange presentation
- may not be properly placed

To James' point, I haven't spent much time on placement, and won't until they are fully broken in. Sure, I've tried toe'd and not toe'd, but heck, I haven't even tried out vs in firing woofers.

Least anyone think I'm disappointed in these speakers - I am not. They are wonderful sounding speakers. Just very different from what I've been listening to. Kind of like when you get a new car - it feels weird for a while, then a month later you drive your old car again and it feels odd. So for now they are only "half cooked." I'll keep breaking them in and then I'll critically listen to my list of songs that have distinguished themselves on the KEFs and share how I think they compare.


Now playing: Natalie Macmaster "In My Hands" Rounder
- WOW, that fiddle is making the mids sound pretty danm good :)
I checked Gallos in 3 systems (2 tubes, 1 ss).
There were always problem with the deep of the soundstage.
Any comments?
I just bought a pair of these last week. Overall, I am very happy with them. I do notice them improving as they break-in (love you Sade :)

These are replacing my beloved KEF 104/2s. These are fantastic speakers in their own right with great imaging, crystal clear highs, and a very detailed and forward midgange. Bass is actually port loaded - a unique feature for these venerable loudspeakers. As far as musicality, pace, rhythm, these speakers have it in spades. They are just getting old so I was looking for something special to replace them.

The Gallos are a very different speaker with many of the same qualities. Imaging and sound staging are as good or even better than the KEFs. The bass is certainly tighter already, and I'm sure has a ways to go. The highs are silky smooth, but not as detailed as the KEFs. I've notice some improvement in the highs, just tonight in fact. So I think this will come along with time. The mids are a concern for me. And it's not that the mid are bad, just very different than the "in your face" 104/2s. The Gallos present more of a laid back blended in midrange. When I focus on it, it sounds very good... I'm just not used to having to focus on the mids. This too seems to be slowly improving (or I'm getting used to it :). Ditto on musicality. right out of the box, they didn't have "it" - the reason you listen to music. Tonight, they definitely did. I'd rate them as semi or sometimes engaging compared to the KEFs.

My placement is about 18" out from the wall and only 7' apart. The room is very large and well damped with only a section of it being used for listening. These speakers have no problems filling it.

Like I said, overall very happy with these speakers. They have many of the qualities I was looking for and sound pretty darn good right out of the box. I can certainly see, er, hear the potential these speakers have to offer.

Follow-up in a couple of weeks.
So, what was the result?

I'm considering replacing a pair of Meadowlark Kestrel Hot-Rods with these and am interested in your comments. They are driven by the 45 wpc Conrad Johnson MV-55. I'm wondering if anyone knows if this will be a good combination and also if this will be a huge step forward with my system.