From Maggies 1.6QR to B&W N805. Upgrading or Downgrading?

Unfortunately, I have to move to another house where the listening room that I plan to use is very small for my maggies (9'x11'), and the problem is that I'll be living there at least for 5 years, so I do not think that keeping my maggies for 5 years is a good idea. I've never listened to the B&W N805 but I think it could be a good replace together with the rel strata III subwoofer, since I've heard that the B&W N805 are good match for the Musical Fidelity A300 (my amp). Anyway, I would like to know your opinions about this change of speaker and if you think this could be a downgrade in my modest system. If this helps, the music I listen is 80% classical and 20% jazz. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts.
I personally would not consider B&W 805 an upgrade from maggies... The above advise is good, and here is my $.02 -- Try a pair of Avalon Accoustics Monitors (no longer in production) or Sentinels. They are very nice in small rooms. I am not sure that they will compare to the Revolutions, but I am sure that you will be able to find them used for 1/2 of the cost... As with any speaker, I would listen before you buy, especially with the room you are describing. On a another note, a friend of mine was recently confronted with the same issues (and owns older maggies) and used Sonex on the wall behind the maggies to absorb the reflected sound. It is not as good as having the "right" room, but he was unwilling to change speakers for his temporary living situation. It works OK -- might be worth some experimentation.
Several years ago I was "banned" to a smaller room (11.6 x 13.7), where I really tried to get my panels to work. I owned Quad USA monitors, MG 1.6's, and then I experimented with B&W N805's with my ARC gear. I ended up keeping the N805's (to which I later added a REL Stadium II). The MG 1.6's excelled in coherence, accurate timbre, and quickness, however, I could never dial-in an adequate near field listening position. Also, I could never get use to what I heard as a lack of upper extension in the 1.6's. For me, the N805's simply worked better in the smaller room, especially in imaging and soundstaging. With some room treatment, the N805's can disappear in a smaller room. I do not think you would in any sense be "downgrading", but you would be getting a very different presentation. One of the areas you may miss if you leave the 1.6's is in relation to your preference for classical music. The Maggies are quite good in rendering the timbre of stringed instruments. Good Luck!
If your a maggie fan (as I am) and short on room, I wouldn't buy anything else until you try a pair of Magnepan MMGs. Although they cost only $550.00, their honest to the maggie heritage in every way. In some ways, you'll like them better. They don't need as much room, their easy to setup, uncritical of the components so long as the quality is decent. They don't care about fancy wire and their musically satisfying to listen to.

You can return them within 60 days and get everything back except return shipping.

I have both 1.6QRs and MMGs and while the 1.6s are better, their not that much better. If all I had was a pair of MMGs, it would be enough. And finally, since I've listened to both, their just a better speaker than the B&Ws.

Don't get me wrong, the B&Ws are good, just not up there with the Maggies is all.