Freak Me Out

I am looking for a CD that is very strange and exciting at the same time.Weird music,sound effects,good sound quality etc.Anyone know where Im coming from?
Reggie Workman, "cerebral caverns" excellant sound quality and imaginitive use of standard insturments.
WARNING! anyone who has never experienced mind altering drugs should not try this disk alone. Above average potential for fear and suicidel thoughts.
BEWARE! anyone under the influence of mood altering drugs should aproach this disk with care, total brain melt is possible.
PROHIBITED! use of LSD, Angle dust, Heroine and other hellucinagentics is stricktly prohibited. Certai death will occure within 16 hours of listening!
Freak Out! by Mothers of Invention

IMO Zappa's best and it'll probably freak you out.
Try "May Blitz" from Amazon (before they go out of business). Get the import with both their only two albums on one CD.
This is album of the year material IMO, but would fit into the freak me out category as well. Jim Black "Alasnoaxis" this albums got everything, most of all though it's jazz. Also anything by Coil ought to freak you out.