Forte Model 55 Amp

Anybody know anything about this amp? I did email Jon Soderberg and am waiting for his reply...but I think it's interesting that I can find almost nothing anywhere about this particular model other than the bluebook listing here. FYI in my somewhat modest system the amp sounds GREAT...(Adcom GFP 715, Silverline Preludes, REL Q150E sub). Anything leading me to a detailed list of specs or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If memory serves me correctly Nelson Pass was involved with its design. Maybe not but worth an email. 

Found this online:
Forte Model 55
  Balanced and un-balanced inputs. 
100w per channel X 2 (into 8 ohms) 
Retail: $1390 
Released 1994
From Jon Soderberg:The model 55 is somewhat of a step backwards in that it uses a bi-polar device like the model 3, but with a smaller power supply. An upgrade is a bit less, since it only has 2 caps in the power supply. $450 for cap replacement on the PCBs and power supply. I have heard some good reviews, I hope you are pleased with your forte.
hi..i have one and bought it new in pa. at soundex in th late 90's....still have it... and still own 2 other thresholds, s500 optical bias and a stasis 3...had several others including a forte 6 200wpc...sounded awful...just lots of power. both my thresholds were updated by jon sonderberg, but i let the 55 alone.  why?  because it actually sounds killer to this day....maybe the most holographic sweetest sounding of all the threshold brand stuff i ever owned. even powered my b&w 803d2's really well. has endless bottom end even on those hard to drive's imaging is uncanny and the sweetest highs...i do not need it anymore but played it every day for 15 years without a hitch or rebuild. i do not know how they made that model sound so darn good, but it was  bargain and still kills other amps i tried back then for 2, 3, even 4 times the cost. an amazing little amp. i used to call it " THE PRIMER BLACK 55 CHEVY WITH NO HUBCAPS  THAT JUST BEATS EVERYTHING DOWN THE TRACK" when i thought i could find better sound, but i just gave up back then.....only between 100-200 ever made i am told