For those of you who have Piega speakers...

What kind of gear are you powering them with?

How would you characterize the sound?

What gear were they allergic to and why?

Any info would be welcome!
What gear were they allergic to and why?

What gear: My Ears

Why: Ribbon tweeter, metal enclosure.
I can't even fathom such a comment about Piegas. I have only heard two models, but still, some of the best sound out there.
Restock: Can you recall what set up you had them/heard them in? Which models they were? Thanks!

Shakey: Thanks! This is helpful. It seems like you started with some great kit right out of the gate w/ them. Did you experiment w/ cabling at all?
I only used them with Starsound Sonoran Desert Plateau cables. I didn't feel the need to experiment further, like some speakers need to be attenuated or tuned to taste. Like I said before, very neutral and true to the source.

I hope this will be some help but a warning, ignore most of what I say as I am a piega a dealer. However long before this I bought piega p8ltd as a private individual because I loved the sound - ribbons - the speed and air to my ears is hard to beat. The audio business is my passion, but in my spare time I am a surgeon.

I have had them in my home for over 11 years and could have a lot of other speakers but have no desire to switch.

As far as equipment I have had many different things in my system. I find they like solid state amps more than tubes but have them work well with 30 watts of tube power - less is not great. Certain solid state amps I did not care for, these tended to have lots of watts but were not very musical. Preamps can be tube or solid state, I have had both sound very good but if one characterized the solid state preamps they are more on the tube side of sound.

As for cables they are very good at distinguishing between cables but it is very much personal preference. Very fast sounding cables are not a great match.

Overall I too find the speaker line very neutral, open and accurate - though not overly accurate.

I have not mentioned brands because I don't like to thing I am plugging x,y or z. If you have more questions drop me a note. Happy to chat

Good luck, I have enjoyed mine for many years