I'm with Mapman: Ohm Walsh. Looks like your budget and listening needs
suggest the Ohm Walsh Tall 4000 or 5000. An omni is a great way to fill an open
architecture listening space with a minimum footprint. Walsh 4000s have a
footprint of just a little over a square foot, are short enough (41") to be
unobtrusive, and have that mid-20s bass you're looking for.
A well-designed omni--made to work with the listening room--tends to have a
natural tonal balance, and the soundstage is stable and realistic. I still daily use
bipolar Mirage M5si's (bought in 1996) and had Mirage OMD-15s for over five
years in an open architecture living room, to great effect. I also worked at an
Ohm dealer many years ago, so I have various frames of reference for omni's.
One thing great about omni's is their in-room power response, with no areas of
suckout or "cupped hands" midrange. Sit anywhere and it sounds