Flaws in this chain?

New to streaming and such. Is there a serious weak link in this chain?:

MacBook Pro with Tidal (hi res)------wireless to-----Apple TV-----toslink to-----Schiit Modi 2 Uber-----RCA cable to----Line stage.

I know that the Schiit is no great shakes in terms of a DAC but is there any other serious limitation in the chain? Thanks.

Less link is better. Get a Schiit Multibit Modi DAC. Then Macbook->USB->Modi DAC->line out RCA-> RCA->Modi 2 preamp->Amp

If you cannot afford the ~1K for the EA setup, try the iFi SPDIF iPurifier for $150 on Amazon.  You get what you pay for.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Yes I would call it serious.  The jitter from the ATV is very high.  If you add a Synchro-Mesh reclocker and a Standard or Reference BNC-BNC cable, you not only get 7psec of jitter, it will upsample to 24/96 so your DAC uses a better digital filter.  Inserts between the ATV and the DAC.

Jitter plots:


You will notice a dramatic improvement in detail, imaging, dynamics and clarity with low jitter.

30-day money-back, less shipping.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio