First Hi-Fi system

Hey all,

After much research, reading, learning, and some listening, I have tentatively decided on the following as my first system:

Pathos Classic One Mkiii
PS Audio Digital Link III DAC
Dynaudio Excite X12 (or x16 or Focus 110/140)
Wadia 170i transport

Would love your thoughts, suggestions, comments on the system and putting it together, maybe suggesting interconnects and cables as well.

Thanks to everyone on this site. it truly is a great place to learn about hi-fi.

If the funds are available consider a sub. Dyn's are great but at the monitor level a sub will bring out a truly huge upgraded sound. I have the C1's with a sub and I will at times leave the sub off. Do they sound great - Oh Yeah. But with most (not all) recording the sub just adds that little bit of weight to everything. Makes them sound like they are much larger than just monitors.

A couple of months ago I heard the Consequences UE and the X12's side by side (no sub). Different electronics and cables but the X12's really sound fantastic.

Not sure about the break-in time of the X12's but if they are like my C1's don't make any judgments till the have a good 300 hrs on them. Mine sounded great out of the box but after 100 - 150 hrs they sounded like cr@p. At 200 hrs they sounded close to out of the box but at 400 mine got so much better than that.

CONGRATULATIONS !!!.... Now, forget about the equipment, sit back, and enjoy the music. Dig up a few discs of your favorite tunes, put a comfortable chair in the ideal listening position (this may take some trial and error experimentation...but have fun doing it and don't stress out), and have a great time with your newly acquired listening pleasure !!
Thanks to everyone. Waiting on some interconnects and speaker cables so I'm not quite up and running yet... Will report back hopefully soon!
i forgot to mention. my first hifi was a 50 watt luxman interated amp, allison one speakers and a beogram turntable with a tandberg reel to reel in 1975. and i used wire commonly used for lamps. ha. loved it ansd wish i still had it. there have been many since then as i am sure is the experience of 99 percent of the audio music lovers on this site. thanks