Finally gonna buy new speakers, ideas?

I've broken down and am going to get new speakers. It's been a long time, but I think I'm ready to part with my old faithful Matrix 804s. I have auditioned a few lines, and am fortunate to live in LA now (only for the reason of having a lot of audio choices) so I can hear about anything I want. I have liked the N802s, 803s, Eggleston Isabels (with a REL sub). Didn't like the Aerial model (around 7-8K don't remember it). Thought the REVEL salon was a little thin. (maybe bad room acoustics in the store). I don't have a big experience with different speaker lines. I was so happy with the 804s for so long, they stayed and a lot else moved through the system.
I tend to listen to female vocals, acoustic stuff, Dave Matthews, Fiona Apple, love piano and strings, a fair amount of modern rock, and a moderate amount of classical piano, not much full orchestra, little to no hard rock/metal. I have been known to throw on some vintage Public Enemy from time to time.
I'll be driving them with a pair of Aleph 2s, with a Muse source and preamp. I'll have a pretty good sized listening room and it will be a dedicated 2 channel setting. If anyone has any input as to lines to check out that excel at the type of music I like- or just general all around performers, I'd be greatly appreciative. I'm trying to narrow my search to a few stores. (Traffic and all here in LA). I'd like to spend <10k retail. Thanks to all and happy listening,

Tsquared, take your time and have a blast comparing the models. Many dealers let you take them home for a listen and that would be my recommendation -- the key is how they fit into the total system (including room acoustics). IMHO, you might want to also try Thiel (2.3 or 6) for the kind of music you like, but you'll either love 'em or hate 'em (at least that's what I read, I never found anyone who hated them in my system, but maybe everyone is just being polite). Good hunting!
I would second the suggestion for Dunlavy. I too own the Aleph 2s and they Drive my Dunlavy 4s very well. I have also used the Alephs with my Meadowlark Kestrels (their least expensive model) they have some higher priced models too. The sonics of the Alephs I think match very well with Meadowlark speakers.
Tsquared: You sure have alot of opinions here, which is nice in our country if we ask for it. I like what the landmarkbldrs said best of all. All our ears hear things differently, if we didn't, well we would all buy the same brand wouldn,t we. I am sure that whoever wrote that or others in this column just forgot to mention how important your source is that is making your sound sing, and the acoustics are. Sure you can get way up in $ by getting to crazy, but you know what I mean. Happy hunting & Good Luck.
From your musical taste there is only one speaker for you. MARTIN LOGANS ACENT There is no speaker that produces vocals as a martin logan.................. And piano music will blow your mind..
Dunlavy V's is great choice if you have a large room. Very compatible to many amps and room friendly