Favourite ECM Titles

We all know ECM is releasing some amazing music both in sound quality as well as "Musical Value"!

They have released a bit over 1200 records if I am not mistaken!

What is your favourite ECM title?

Have I got a report for didgeridoo lovers! I went to the library and got the "real deal". You know it the instant you hear it. The sound is like a huge deep drone coming from who knows what, it's "otherwordly". This deep modulated "drone" and sticks that click in that aboriginal rhythm pattern, plus the sound of birds and insects in the background puts you square in the Australian outback with the tribe. They are the most unique people to inhabit the planet.

Allow me to diverge for a moment. A long time ago, I read a book written by an anthropologist who lived with the Aborigine in the 1800's. This is when their original culture was intact. According to her, if someone was a long distance away, they communicated "telepathically".

These very deep modulated "drone" sounds and clicking sticks communicate to me, what is the essence of the Aborigine spirit. I've listened to it over and over, it puts me in a trance. This is for the "didgeridoophile" only, while "Didgeridoo Groove" is fantastic music that I believe others who have posted on this thread could enjoy. Both are available on line; go to "Kado CD's" "Didgeridoos" sound of the Aborigine for "the real deal" and "Didgeridoo Music" for the groove.
Just came across this "dormant" thread. Seems worth resurrecting. Been listening to Egberto Gismonti in trio w/Charlie Haden and Jan Garbarek. Love Ralph Towner (already posted "Solstice" here). Will have to check out "Chiaroscuro". Hope others will check out "Magico" by Gismonti and company.
Nice thread. Haven't seen these mentioned yet, all fantastic:

-Jack DeJohnette: New Directions in Europe (live)

-Art Ensemble of Chicago: Nice Guys, Full Force, and Urban Bushmen (live)

ECM always got a great sound in live recording as well as their studio stuff.